NEHANET delivers an integrated, completely customizable CRM solution that seamlessly ties together data sources within an organization, including channel partners, to provide a complete actionable view of each your Accounts, Contacts, Action Items, Opportunities, and Customer Visit Reports. The system is easy to implement, learn and use and allows your team to be up and running in hours, not weeks or months.


  • Know where you stand with critical customers?
  • Know what competition is doing and use it to do better?
  • Close new business faster?
  • Manage Relationships and Org Charts?
  • Track Contacts Globally?
  • Ensure Action Items are completed?
  • Manage Rep, Disti and Direct Accounts?
“Building a new company takes a lot of coordination and insight as customers start using your products. Nehanet gave us a sales platform that made it easy to see where we stood with key customers and what needed to get done.”


Adopt a Customer Centric Strategy
Sales, Marketing, Customer Service, Business Development and your extended channel partners are the customer facing groups driving your ultimate success in today’s competitive marketplace. Arm them with an automated system that is built from the best practices in your industry to ensure these groups are acting like a coordinated team.

Identify and Retain High Value Customers
The NEHANET system provides you with high-quality analytics and at-a-glance dashboards to identify key contacts and efficiently share their information as needed.

Faster Decision Making
Allow your customer-focused employees to make quick yet informed decisions on everything from cross-selling and up-selling to target marketing and competitive positioning.

Boost Customer Satisfaction
With the NEHANET system, you can quickly and easily understand and map the people within your customer company, allowing you to communicate effectively with the right people at the right time. Your system will also provide your customers with an automated interface to gather data, provide information to you and escalate issues that require management attention, in a method that is trackable, controllable and easy to use.

Management Visibility
Know your customers and partners, and map their relationships. Then use that data to develop strategic and tactical plans to beat the competition, build revenues, and improve margins. With real-time data and customizable reports, you will always be on top of the customers, key activities and the teams managing them.

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The Activity Module allows you to manage all the activities to drive an opportunity to closure as fast as possible. Usually sales needs other parts of the team to get all the things done along the path to winning. Activities define what is needed and communicate to other people in a way they can understand and commit to getting it done. You get support and they know what the ROI should be when you close the deal.


  • Turn reviews into action planning meetings instead of situation updates?
  • Prioritize team focus on best business
  • Ensure Action Items are completed?
  • Improve margins?
  • Know where you stand with critical customers
  • Notify all team members on Call Reports?
  • Stop chasing opportunities that don’t have a good return or chance of success?
“I sure like the way the NEHANET Activity system works to get people signed up to help win new business.”


Get Things Done to Help Yow Win
Sales needs help to Win new opportunities – engineering info, competitive positioning, Executive priority, deliver improvements, proposals – you can call and talk to everyone and follow up continuously but the NEHANET Activity Solution, lets you set up an activity for someone with all the supporting info to get them involved and supportive. You can tell them exactly what you need and when you need it and then follow up when it is time to get what you need. Instead of selling internally, you get to spend more time getting new business and seeing customers while your team mates are getting things done to help you win.

Change the way you get support so you have more time to sell
There are always a list of things you need to get others to do to help you win and you need to get people to do them. If you have a good opportunity system the business benefits of going after the business is in the system for all to see. Instead of tracking down all the people you need and getting them to understand the customer opportunity and what you need, you can share the information in a common format and then define activities that you need, with a clear statement of work needed and benefits you want to achieve and ask them to commit to get it done by the date you need. It all is automated and consistent and lets you get things done without spending hours selling inside the company to get support. The NEHANET Activity system is easy, captures it all and lets you ask and get the support you need. If you streamline it all in a systematic way, you gain lots of time to go sell more to customers while having confidence you are getting what you need from other team members to win.

What if you could get the rest of the company helping you proactively
Once business objectives are defined and new opportunities are clearly described with ROI benefits and clear estimates of a chance of success and competition you can start running the business as a proactive organization that has support team members actively providing support and helpful information to sales to help them win. The business momentum that can be achieved when discussions start out with a clear understanding of the business situation and what is needed to win can turn discussions at all levels and reviews into proactive business closing discussions instead of discovery discussions or interrogations of sales. When you expect sales to figure out how to win and then enable them to do it the results can be amazing. NEHANET’s Activity system is a key element of getting to this type of team-driven business closing organization.

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The NEHANET Call Report module is an effective way to capture what happens when you or someone else talks with the customer and make what is learned available to the rest of the team. It replaces the haphazard email chains and review calls that are normally used with a documented, archived record of the customer discoveries.


  • Capture Customer Meeting Information?
  • Notify all team members on Call Reports?
  • Prioritize team focus on best business?
  • Turn reviews into action planning meetings instead of situation updates?
  • Know what competition is doing and use it to do better?
  • Ensure Action Items are completed?
  • Manage Rep, Disti and Direct Accounts?
“We talk about so much when I meet with customers, the Call Report system from NEHANET lets me document what I found out in one place and get it to everyone easily so they don’t have to call me all the time.”


Talk to a customer and share what you find out
When you meet a customer, you talk about current business, new business, competitors, the market and how that customer is doing. Instead of keeping it all to your self or just telling a few people the NEHANET Call Report lets you capture the meeting information in a document, link the info to the account, person you saw or the opportunities you talked about and publish it in the system so all the team members can see what you found out. This makes information an asset, and minimizes how much time you have to take to get everyone up to speed.

How much critical information are you missing in meetings
Sales is usually the one talking to the customer. If you don’t have an expectation to document what they find out and get that information distributed in the company then the benefits you get from the investment you make to talk to customers is mostly wasted. If you call up the sales person and ask them about the meeting they will tell you but how much just gets lost. Call reports are NEHANET’s solution to capturing what is discussed in customer meetings and deliver it to everyone who can benefit from it. Get the most benefit from your investment in seeing customers by keeping a record and making team members aware of what you find out.

Turn competitive information into a business advantage
When you meet a customer, you talk about current business, new business, competitors, the market and how that customer is doing. Instead of keeping it all to your self or just telling a few people the NEHANET Call Report lets you capture the meeting info and get it distributed in a consistant way. If your talking about an opportunity you often hear comments about competitors, other business ops, or just business health trends and concerns. Getting this out to everyone can only help, doing it once and distributing it sure takes a lot less time than emailing and phoning all the people who should know.

What happened when your FAE talked to the customer?
FAEs are critical to solve a lot of technical issues for customers but finding out what was said and if there was other information discussed, like what a competitor is doing, or how well the design is going, often gets overlooked. The NEHANET Call Report system captures a record of the discussion easily and makes it accessable to the rest of the team and a part of the opportunity record so you always know what was said, what was committed, and what is going on with competion.

Call reports would sure be nice, get sales to do them
You can’t mandate that sales does call reports easily. If you make them easy to do, and show sales why they get a benefit from them by using them to get things done to help them win, you can turn them into beneficial activites for sales. The NEHANET Call Report system makes it easy to do, ties them to opportunties so the report shows the business benefits, and consolidates the information in one place that is easily written and automatically distributed to make the critical information they hear about available to the entire team. It works and builds confidence and consistancy in the way decisions are made and priorities are set.

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The NEHANET Commissions module allows Manufacturers to manage their Commission Process and assign a Commission Rates to their Reps. You can also specify split commissions depending on whether Design, Production and Order Entry are in the same location or different locations, or if Reference Design is involved. Commissions get calculated from actual data which can be obtained from the NEHANET system or imported in via excel. The Commissions approval process can be automated and email notifications set up to notify all participants.


  • Make your commission program competitive so you keep your sales people
  • Motivate sales to win
  • Keep commissions from becoming an issue with your sales people
  • Get finance to pay commission on time
“Our finance people took forever to process commisisons, now with NEHANET they have the data quickly and my sales people know what to expect. Happy sales people make motivated sales people!”


Make Commissions a Motivator instead of an issue for sales.
Getting commissions paid on time, and correctly can make all the difference in whether they motivate the team or are always a real point of conflict. The NEHANET Commission system handles the entire process including design splits and geographic splits. You get all the information you need to get finance to cut the checks on time and should not have to get into a lot of debates about what the commissions are or should be.

Keep the focus on growth and not administrative issues that take the excitement out of sales
Sales takes a lot of faith to believe in your ability to get customers to buy what you have. As a manager you have to keep them motivated, excited about the company and driving to win. If they feel like the company is not living up to commitments to pay them you can take the air out of their baloon really fast. NEHANETs Commission system lets them know what they have earned, what they should expect, and eliminates the guess work and misperceptions that can ruin an otherwise fantastic team.

Happy sales people make the business success a fact
How many times have you heard sales people complain that their commission plan was messed up or they got less than they thought they should have or especially in small companies, that they weren’t getting paid on time. Often the conversion from bookings and billings into $$ in a sales persons pocket takes a bunch of excel work and lots of signoffs and discussion. If your running sales, it is to your advantage to take this issue off the table and make sure your people get paid what they are due and paid on time. NEHANETS Commission module pulls all the data together based on business rules you set up with your sales people and generates the data for commissions within days of the end of the quarter. You still have to get finance to pay, but you take all the excuses away so they can get it done on time.

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Contacts lets you capture the information about the people you talk with at the Account and keep the data up to date for the entire team. it syncs with outlook contacts so everyone works from a centralized record that not only has info about the person but also all the interactions that have taken place with them from everyone involved.


  • Track Contacts Globally?
  • Manage Relationships and Org Charts?
  • Know where you stand with critical customers?
  • Manage Rep, Disti and Direct Accounts?
  • Build a plan to win key opportunities and do it?
  • Close new business faster?
“There are a lot of CRM solutions but only one really tailored to a component technical sales business. Nehanet delivered a seamless solution for our sales team.”


Aggressively keep in touch with contacts with targetted follow up
NEHANETs Contact Management system ties contacts to accounts, Activities, Opportunities, and integrates with Outlook to make keeping in touch and targeting your contact discussions easy to manage. You can see all the past interactions, emails, documents, discussions and issues in easy to use tools to make talking to them quick and error free.

Know who is who on opportunities and accounts
The NEHANET Contact system lets you capture all the critical information about the people you talk to at customers but it also lets you link them to the activities, opportunities, call reports, and emails so you can always know who is who, and what has happened even if you weren’t involved no matter when you talk to them next.

Make sure you follow up with contacts and know what they and you said last time.
Managing contacts is easy with the NEHANET CRM solutions. All your information, notes, previous communications are all right there to review and use when you talk again. Keep the momentum, build a personal relationship and keep focused on what needs to get done while you talk to customers.

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NEHANET has almost every type of module function a sales team could want but if you need something special or tailored to your particular workflow or information needs, our Custom Applications service can create it to your specifications.


  • Stop being frustrated with your CRM because it isn’t quite right?
  • Get the information you want from sales when you want it?
  • Get rid of operations issues that take sales time?
  • Be able to find documents when I need them?
“Getting my CRM customized to my way of looking at things used to be an expensive problem before NEHANET came along.”

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The NEHANET Debit Management System simplifies debit transactions and reconcilation. It allows manufacturers to respond to debit requests from Distributors and Channel partners in a fast, easy and consistent manner that automates authorization and response, do price adjustments and issue debit authorizations based on your business rules.


  • Manage Rep, Disti and Direct Accounts?
  • Get rid of operations issues that take sales time?
  • Improve margins?
“Channel debits were always an unpleasent surprise for finance that I got blamed for. Now it is all out in the open and finance doesn’t get surprises.”


Increase Productivity
A manual debit request takes, on average, twenty to forty minutes to turn around. The NEHANET Debit Management system can drive your turnaround time to less than five minutes. If your company responds to more than fifty debit requests a month, you can save over thirty hours, that’s equivalent to nearly one-fourth of a sales person’s time.

Win New Business based on Competitive Pricing
Consistent follow-up is difficult with a manual or excel based debit tracking process. Typically twenty to thirty-five percent of debit requests do not receive follow-up, which translates to potential loss of business. The NEHANET Debit Management system ensures total follow-up and can increase your quote to order ratio by ten or even twenty percent.

Maximize Margins
Competing with yourself easily leads to lost margin. The NEHANET Debit Management system ensures that quotes and debit requests from distributors and Channel Partners are all tied to a single opportunity, giving you visibility and control so you can ensure that each quote is consistent to the end customer opportunity and that you are not in competition with yourself.

Global Consistency.
Debit requests can vary widely over geography, time and people. The NEHANET system allows you to manage your Global Price Management policies and drive consistent quotes across geographies, customer types, quote types and over time. For example, pricing varies across regions due to currency, shipment and competition; managing this is labor intensive and error prone. The NEHANET Debit Management system will ensure consistency while saving time.

Get Business Process Transparency
Distributors, Reps, Channel Partners, and all Internal people can now see their quote and debit request and followup on the status easily. This gives you a competitive advantage.

Control Costs – end surprises.
The NEHANET Debit Management system brings power and simplicity to the ship and debit process. It drives down the sales transaction costs and contibutes positively to revenue and profit growth.

Keep Debits undercontrol from the Channel Partners.
Debit management and exposure is part of any business that uses distribution and sometimes reps. When they need to quote prices lower than what is supported standard pricing, margin agreements it generates a debit. The process of requesting approval to go below approved pricing and try to win a piece of businss needs a system to get approval and then manage the debit once the business is won and shipped. Finance needs to know how much non standard, debit generating business is going to hit the books every month. The NEHANET DPA Exposure system keeps this all in control and lets finance know what is coming every month.

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Managing and tracking design opportunities within the channel has never been easier or faster. The NEHANET Design Registration system helps you manage the design registration processes of your distributors and channel partners by streamlining channel entry of opportunities and the following review and assignment processes. Online web forms make it easy for partners to register new designs with you and provide all required information including opportunity details, size, timing and competitive information. Email alerts and other rules keep your team in the loop at all times.


  • Make your commission program competitive so you keep your sales people?
  • Motivate sales to win?
  • Turn reviews into action planning meetings instead of reviews of what is going on?
  • Get rid of operations issues that take sales time?
  • Keep commissions from becoming an issue with your sales people?
“We used to have civil wars over who got credit and commissions for work that was split of sales people and regions. Now with NEHANET it is all set from the start and no one is surprised.”


Stop calling and be able to see what is going on or not going on with key opportunities.
If you feel like you never quite know what sales is doing or whether or not your making progress on big deals you can change the way it works with a really good Opportunity Management System from NEHANET. It keeps all the cards on the table and makes it clear where you are winning and where you need to help.

Prioritize what your team works on by knowing the situation on opportunities.
The NEHANET Opportunity solution captures all the business, probability, and status information on opportunities for every salesman and lets you prioritize and focus your efforts to maximize your chances of winning.

Find out about key opportunities without tracking down the salesman.
The NEHANET Opportunity Tracking solution gives you and your team an efficient tool to create new leads, track key milestones, manage daily opportunity details and keep deals moving towards a close. You can easily adapt the system to your current pipeline processes, allowing you to drive the system by your key attributes, such as region, channel and deal size.

Improve Sales Team Productivity.
Reduce the amount of time your sales team spends coordinating information to provide updates to executive staff. For a company with five RSMs, this time savings could easily exceed two hours per RSM per week, for a total savings of ten hours a week – that’s the equivalent to onefourth of a new sales person!

Increase Revenue.
With a powerful automation system that saves time, an RSM can deliver greater account focus and coordination which can result in one new design win per year or even more. For a company with five RSMs and annual design win revenue of $50M, the company could realize $250K or more in incremental revenue.

Focused Sales Methodology.
Drive your sales process with an automated system based on industry best practices, ensuring your sales process is focused and effective. No longer will deals slip through the cracks or fly under the radar when you have clear audit trails, a powerful workflow engine and customizable and drillable data fields.

Global Collaboration.
Give your teams the power to understand what is going on in the pipeline. For instance, you can allow your design region teams to gain visibility into the production region and point of sale, while letting the production region gain visibility into the design region to understand what opportunities are coming down the road.

Be Proactive, Not Reactive.
Take the action before it turns into a reaction. With a clear real time picture of all the details for all of the deals in your pipeline, you can manage accounts strategically to take advantage of a competitors delay or shore up a potential problem before it ever arises. With NEHANET you stay ahead of the curve with each of your deals.

Instant Global Design-In Visibility.
Understand the status of all your design-in opportunities across the globe with the click of a button. You don’t need to wait for excel spreadsheets be rolled up or for next weeks meeting to understand where each deal stands along with its key issues. Our automated system will give you real time deal information for the rep down the street as easily as it will for the saleman half way around the world.


  • 24×7 Online, Always On Access
  • Save time and money
  • Avoid manual work
  • Give distributors an incentive to create demand
  • Give your people a tool to manage distributors.
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Keeping inventory under control is a major driver for the P/L. If you don’t treat distributor inventory as part of what is available to ship or let it get out of control the impact can be substantial. The NEHANET Disti Inventory module gives you visibility into what is sitting in the disti warehouse that you can ship instead of build.


  • Manage Rep, Disti and Direct Accounts?
  • Get rid of operations issues that take sales time
  • Improve margins
“When a customer needs parts, we used to have to call our distributor and get them to check stock, now with NEHANET it is all right there on the inventory screen so we can answer customers questions on the first call.”


Know the Disty inventory situation all the time
Managing Distribution is a complex problem and you always have to watch out to not have too much or too little inventory sitting on disty shelves. It is also helpful to be able to see what inventory is there as you talk to customers so you can get them parts they need quicker by taking it back from Disty and shipping it off. Keep control with NEHANETs Distributor Inventory solution

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Managing Distributor pricing and cost takes constant attention. As distributors price business they often have to sell at prices below agreed margin levels. This creates a debit which is a financial liability that impacts the P/L. Managing the debit approvals and forecasting future debit exposure is important for financial planning and cost management.


  • Manage Rep, Disti and Direct Accounts?
  • Make sure quotes are done right and followed up
  • Stop chasing opportunities that don’t have a good return or chance of success
  • Know what competition is doing and use it to do better
  • Get rid of operations issues that take sales time
  • Improve margins
“Distributor debit approval and tracking is automatic now that we have NEHANET. No surprises for finance and a smooth approval process with our Distributor.”
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An accurate forecast allows your business to effectively manage product plans, reduce inventory costs, avoid fulfillment delays and align resources appropriately. The NehaNet Forecasting system delivers these benefits while efficiently managing the forecast process across your extended sales team including Regional Sales Managers (RSMs), Rep firms, Distributors, Marketing, and Field Application Engineers (FAEs). Your team is delivered clear visibility into their sales pipeline as well as help in creating an accurate rolling forecast using a quantitive and web-based approach.


  • Make forecasts accurate enough to run the business
  • Stop being frustrated with your CRM because it isn’t quite right
  • Stop chasing opportunities that don’t have a good return or chance of success
  • Know where you stand with critical customers
  • Turn reviews into action planning meetings instead of reviews of what is going on
  • Close new business faster
  • Get the information you want from sales when you want it
  • Find out where you are missing the plan
  • Build a business plan that drives the team to win
  • Get rid of operations issues that take sales time
“Forecasting used to be a nightmare that never ended and never satisfied management. Now we have it, it is done by sales, and they have confidence in what we think will happen. NEHANET made that work for us.”


Increase Productivity
RSMs, Sales Operations Managers, and the VP of Sales spend many hours each month managing the forecast process. The NEHANET Forecast System can cut out a majority of that time. For example, the time savings for a company with five RSMs and a VP of Sales can exceed forty hours a month, or one-fourth of a new sales person!

Improve Sales Team Success
Rep firms, Distributors, and RSMs drive your forecast, revising it upwards or downwards based on their perspective. You can improve that perspective with a solution that shows blacklog, shipment information and actual performance versus forecast. You can also improve forecast accuracy by routing forecasts for approvals to marketing or application specialists rather than a simple region-based rollup.

Improve Customer Satisfaction
Accurate forecasting directly correlates to customer satisfaction due to the close relationship between your customers production and procurement functions. A forecast that is too low or too high can have an immediate adverse effect putting your relationship and future design-wins at risk.

Reduce Costs
Accurate forecasts also have a correlation to your production planning and inventory costs. Accurate long-term forecasts can help your manufacturing team anticipate demand and drive accurate capacity planning and supplier relationships.

Competitive Advantage
Executives make decisions based on their knowledge of the business. Concise, accurate information about run-rate, committed and future sales funnel business will assist in making good strategic and tactical decisions.

Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance
Corporate governance is increasingly important in today’s information driven economy. Make sure your company can avoid inquiries and penalties by accurately accounting for forward looking statements with documented processes and detailed audit trails.

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Executives need to show not only what the future revenue looks like which is much easier with a good forecast system but they also need to predict Margin and profit for investors. NEHANETs Gross Margin System projects gross margins based on inventory, forecast, and costs from your financial planning system. You can see what products or customers are going to drive the best Gross margins and take steps to maximize the financial performance.


  • Improve margins
  • Prioritize team focus on best business
  • Stop chasing opportunities that don’t have a good return or chance of success
  • Improve margins in the channel
  • Turn reviews into action planning meetings instead of reviews of what is going on
  • Know where you stand with critical customers
  • Make sure quotes are done right and followed up
“We are always fighting for priority in the product groups to get things done to help us win new business. The Gross Margin system lets us compare one deal to another with a set of rules so we can pick the ones that deliver the best ROI.”
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Inventory Management is critical to control costs and provide world class service to your customers. NEHANET’s solution captures not only the inventory you have but also what is sitting out in the channel so you can optimize the total inventory situation to fit the needs for your customers and your P/L.


  • Get rid of operations issues that take sales time
  • Improve margins in the channel
  • Improve margins
  • Stop being frustrated with your CRM because it isn’t quite right
“When there are several steps in the process in our house or with our customers, we needed to know when inventory moved from one place to another to keep everything running smoothly. NEHANET lets us see the parts flow through the process.”


Manage Inventory throughout the process
Inventory gets transferred to various sites to add value to a product. The NEHANET Manufacturer Inventory system makes it clear where the inventory is and where it goes. You can manage the entire process to minimize inventory and maximize customer satisfaction. Managing contract manufacturers inventory couldn’t be easier.

Knowing what customers have ordered tells a lot about the business.
To manage your business you have to know what has been ordered, when the customer wants it and what additional orders are needed. As you forecast, capturing what the order situation is and what the most recent orders showed as far as demand is an important part of building a plan for what to build and expect in the future. NEHANETs Order system captures all the order history and shows you what the customer has been asking for as part of the overall business picture you need to do a forecast or annual operating plan.

Orders tell you a lot – see them when you forecast to improve accuracy.
To manage your business you have to know what has been ordered, when the customer wants it and what additional orders are needed. As you forecast, capturing what the order situation is and what the most recent orders showed as far as demand is an important part of building a plan for what to build and expect in the future. NEHANETs Order system captures all the order history and shows you what the customer has been asking for as part of the overall business picture you need to do a forecast or annual operating plan.

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If you need to get into key accounts and want to build a plan that everyone is working to execute to try to make it happen, NEHANETs Key Account Plan system is what you need. You can work collaboratively to build a picture of all aspects of the account and your capabilities and lay out a roadmap to get engaged with them. Often it takes coordinated efforts from technical, sales, marketing and executives to make turn a key account into a revenue producing partner. NEHANET gives you a structure that can make it happen.


  • Get everyone on the same plan to win at key accounts
  • Build a plan to win key opportunities and do it
  • Stop being frustrated with your CRM because it isn’t quite right
  • Make sure you understand the competitive situation at key accounts
  • Prioritize team focus on best business
  • Capture Customer Meeting Information?
“Until we started using the NEHANET Key Account Plan system management had a lot of hopes about penetrating key accounts but were frustrated with our progress. Now we lay out a plan, get everyone on the same page and drive to get it done. No more sales blaming, I like that.”


Get into key accounts fast – make a plan and go it!
Key Accounts are important and you need a comprehensive plan to penetrate them. To really get it done you need to understand their business, their strenghts and the competitive situation. All of this gets captured in the NEHANET Key Account Plan solution to build a picture of the situation and lay out your plans to get engaged in a big way. You need to get all the parts of the organization working in a coordinated way to really penetrate a big key customer. Build a plan and get it done with NEHANET.

Key Account selling is a team sport but you need a plan.
Key account plans follow some typical formats that show who the account is, what they do, who is important, what you have to offer, and why they should buy from you instead of someone else. Capturing a summary of these issues keeps the team focused on how to succeed and how to tell your story the best way. The sales person gets to leverage the rest of the team in the sport of getting into a big new important customer. Make a plan with the NEHANET Key Account Plan system and get the rest of the team working with you to succeed.

Sometimes there are accounts you just have to win – make sure you have a plan with buy in
If there are customers you absolutely must win at to enter a market or be a leader then you better have a plan. A plan is not an arbitrary thing, it has to address all the critical aspects of winning – people, products, market trends, competitors, and strengths and weaknesses you have. If you don’t write them down and get concensus from management and other team members then you don’t have a plan just a lot of hopes. Guess who is left holding the bag when it doesn’t work out – sales. Build a good plan and execute it with the NEHANET Key Account Plan.

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The NEHANET Manufacturer Inventory system captures the flow of parts in and out of your contract manufacturers, and gives you all the tools you need to maximize your inventory position to deliver what customers need without building more than you need to make it happen.


  • Close new business faster
  • Get rid of operations issues that take sales time
  • Improve margins
“When there are several steps in the process in our house or with our customers, we needed to know when inventory moved from one place to another to keep everything running smoothly. NEHANET lets us see the parts flow through the process.”
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The NEHANET Opportunity Tracking solution gives you and your team an efficient tool to create new leads, track key milestones, manage daily opportunity details and keep deals moving towards a close. You can easily adapt the system to your current pipeline processes, allowing you to drive the system by your key attributes, such as region, channel and deal size.


  • Build a plan to win key opportunities and do it
  • Turn reviews into action planning meetings instead of reviews of what is going on
  • Close new business faster
  • Stop being frustrated with your CRM because it isn’t quite right
  • Make sure you understand the competitive situation at key accounts
  • Build a business plan that drives the team to win
  • Make forecasts accurate enough to run the business
“There are a lot of CRM solutions but only one really tailored to a component technical sales business. Nehanet delivered a seamless solution for our sales team.”


Focused Sales Methodology
Drive your sales process with an automated system based on industry best practices, ensuring your sales process is focused and effective. No longer will deals slip through the cracks or fly under the radar when you have clear audit trails, a powerful workflow engine and customizable and drillable data fields.

Increase Revenue
With a powerful automation system that saves time, an RSM can deliver greater account focus and coordination which can result in one new design win per year or even more. For a company with five RSMs and annual design win revenue of $50M, the company could realize $250K or more in incremental revenue.

Improve Sales Team Productivity
Reduce the amount of time your sales team spends coordinating information to provide updates to executive staff. For a company with five RSMs, this time savings could easily exceed two hours per RSM per week, for a total savings of ten hours a week – that’s the equivalent to onefourth of a new sales person!

Instant Global Design-In Visibility
Understand the status of all your design-in opportunities across the globe with the click of a button. You don’t need to wait for excel spreadsheets be rolled up or for next weeks meeting to understand where each deal stands along with its key issues. Your automated system will give you real time deal information for the rep down the street as easily as it will for the rep half way around the world.

Be Proactive, Not Reactive
Take the action before it turns into a reaction. With a clear real time picture of all the details for all of the deals in your pipeline, you can manage accounts strategically to take advantage of a competitors delay or shore up a potential problem before it ever arises. With NEHANET you stay ahead of the curve with each of your deals.

Global Collaboration
Give your teams the power to understand what is going on in the pipeline. For instance, you can allow your design region teams to gain visibility into the production region and point of sale, while letting the production region gain visibility into the design region to understand what opportunities are coming down the road.

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Order Planning from NEHANET lets you see where you are accounting for backlog and orders that you have received. You can identify where the shortfalls are and take actions to minimize them even if the orders are coming from your channel partners. You can also manage the plan and customer expectations as lead times change and problems come up.


  • Get rid of operations issues that take sales time
  • Get the information you want from sales when you want it
  • Find out where you are missing the plan
  • Turn reviews into action planning meetings instead of reviews of what is going on
  • Stop being frustrated with your CRM because it isn’t quite right
“For our business which is small but growing the NEHANET Order Planning system lets me book an order and get it scheduled with confidence so I can keep my customers happy.”


Build an operations plan from your Order Forecast with Order Planning
Sales goes after orders that typically are for a quantity of product delivered over a timeframe in a component manufacturing business. NEHANET’s Order Planning system takes the order and gets it booked and schedule so you and the customer know what to expect.

Order activity and planning can be done in CRM to make customer discussions easy.
When you use the NEHANET Order Planning solution, you get a complete picture of the status of a customers business when you are talking with them in one place organized in a way you can answer his questions without checking with someone else. Make sure you deliver when the customer wants by managing their orders efficiently and make it easy to talk to customers about the everything they want to know in one place, up to date, and accessable where ever you are.

Simple Order management as part of CRM – who would have thought.
The NEHANET Order Planning solution gives you an easy tool to capture a customer’s PO in the system, get it into your planning system and schedule deliveries to meet the customers needs. You can use it as a simple ERP system to manage orders and plan your production. All the scheduled deliveries also become available in the forecasting system so you can see at a glance what is already booked and scheduled and where you are short for meeting your finanacial plan.

Forecasting orders is easier if you know what the history is for orders
Forecasting is an art that needs to have a good picture of what has happened in the past to make it realistic and accurate. NEHANETs Order solution puts all the order information in one place, not in another system, and makes it part of the data you see when you are trying to forecast the future. As time goes on, you can always see if the order has booked and where you need to take steps to try to get it from the customer. No other systems to log into, no other reports to get, just see where you are right now in one place with confidence.

Manage orders easily from receipt to invoicing with a simple CRM Order system
You got an order – Yippee! – now you need to book it. The NEHANET Order system captures the PO, all the information about what the customer wants and how he wants it delivered including documents that might be important. You book it into the CRM system and then when it is ready to ship you capture the shipping information, generate an invoice and close the PO. You never have to leave the CRM system and all the paperwork and delivery information is all there ready to use.

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The NEHANET Order Management system serves as a lightweight flexible Order Tracking system to help manage orders, backlog and shipment information and give your field organization, including reps and distributors access to information regarding their orders. Track shipping and billing details, requested, committed and shipped dates and other information regarding managing the order process for your organization. For companies already having Order Management in their ERP system, the ManufacturerCRM Order Management is an inexpensive, front end complement to your ERP system and makes the order, backlog and shipment data securely accessible to all your reps and distributors, saving you money and allowing you to avoid having to give access to the confidential ERP system to your reps and distributors.


  • Get everyone on the same plan to win at key accounts
  • Get the information you want from sales when you want it
  • Find out where you are missing the plan
  • Turn reviews into action planning meetings instead of reviews of what is going on
“We look at orders as a yardstick of the future. I like the way the NEHANET order system captures what has booked and shows us if it is growing or sliding out. It lets me keep my finger on the pulse of the business every day.”
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The NEHANET Partner Portal gives your channel partners secure yet partitioned access to the information they need to help you run your business. You can grant your channel partner end-users access to all NehaNet modules that you are subscribed to, and can control what actions these users can perform on those modules. The Portal allows your Extended Enterprise to work on the same information real-time.


  • Manage Rep, Disti and Direct Accounts?
  • Manage Rep/Disti Territory Assignments?
  • Track Contacts Globally?
  • Manage Relationships and Org Charts?
  • Be able to find documents when I need them
  • Make sure quotes are done right and followed up
  • Find out where you are missing the plan
  • Know where you stand with critical customers

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The NEHANET POS solution allows you to upload POS data from your channel partners including distributors and third party resellers. By integrating key channel and sales information such as end customer, part, price, quantity, inventory and shipment information, you can align your field sales forecasts and production plans to accurately meet product demand to achieve revenue targets while minimizing inventory exposure.


  • Manage Rep, Disti and Direct Accounts?
  • Manage Rep/Disti Territory Assignments?
  • Turn reviews into action planning meetings instead of reviews of what is going on
  • Make forecasts accurate enough to run the business
  • Get rid of operations issues that take sales time
  • Improve margins
  • Find out where you are missing the plan
“Managing distributors is hard unless you can see what they are doing. The NEHANET POS system ties their sales data into your CRM so it is a part of the business visibility you are looking at. Makes it easy to keep them focused on your business.”


Smart Channel Management
If you are on top of channel sales activity, inventory positions and current backlog, you can effectively drive tactical and strategic plans to maximize revenue opportunities, avert potential customer conflicts and take advantage of channel integrity.

Boost Customer Satisfaction
Understanding channel partner activity will help you identify your customers, understand their purchasing patterns, manage inventories effectively, apply contracts and quotes appropriately, preempt price discrepancies and ultimately enhance customer satisfaction.

Maximize Revenue
With key channel data in hand, you can develop product plans and demand creation strategies that target key channel partners and large customers with products and parts that generate higher margins with faster velocity.

Management Control and Visibility
Know where your products are in the channel at any point in time with the click of a button. Your management team should not have to wait for periodic conference calls or for spreadsheets to be emailed. Get the data you need now so you can take action.

Integrate Your Split Commission Information
Ensure that your reps are paid in an accurate and timely manner for the revenue opportunities they are responsible for. This can remove manual tracking tasks from your finance and sales operations team while improving rep firm satisfaction with your company.


  • Keep data organized.
  • Rapidly reconcile and clean dirty data
  • Run POS reports
  • Manage your distributors better.
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The NEHANET Quote Management System allows you to respond to quote requests from customers and channel partners in a fast, easy and consistent manner that considers the specific opportunity, products requested and quantity as well as customer, volume and region-specific price schedules.


  • Ensure Action Items are completed?
  • Make sure quotes are done right and followed up
  • Close new business faster
  • Prioritize team focus on best business
  • Get rid of operations issues that take sales time
  • Build a plan to win key opportunities and do it
“Getting a quote quickly to a customer is key to winning. The NEHANET Quote system makes it painless and fast.”


Increase Productivity
A manual quote takes, on average, twenty to forty minutes to turn around. The NEHANET system can drive your turnaround time to less than five minutes. If your company responds to more than fifty quote requests a month, you can save over thirty hours, that’s equivalent to nearly one-fourth of a sales person’s time.

Minimize Lost Revenues
Consistent quote follow-up is difficult with a manual or excel based quote tracking process. Typically twenty to thirty-five percent of quotes do not receive follow-up, which translates to potential loss of business. The NEHANET Quote Management system ensures total follow-up and can increase your quote to order ratio by ten or even twenty percent. For example, if a company that does $100M in quotes annually can increase their quote to order ratio by just a couple of points, it can gain as much as $2M in additional revenue.

Maximize Margins
Competing with yourself easily leads to lost margin. The NEHANET system ensures that quotes from rep firms, distributors and subcontractors are all tied to a single opportunity, giving you visibility and control so you can ensure that each quote is consistent to the end customer and that you are not in competition with yourself.

Global Consistency
Quotes can vary widely over geography, time and people. The NEHANET system allows you to manage your Global Price Management policies and drive consistent quotes across geographies, customer types, quote types over time. For example, pricing varies across regions due to currency, shipment and competition; managing this is labor intensive and error prone. The NEHANET system will ensure consistency while saving time.

Boost Customer Satisfaction
Fast consistent quotes will allow customers to choose your products based on technical requirements, not on quote turnaround time or price haggling with different sources. This gives you a competitive advantage.

Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance
Corporate governance is increasingly important in today’s information driven economy. Make sure your company can avoid inquiries and penalties by accurately accounting for forward looking statements with documented processes and detailed audit trails.

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The NEHANET Sales History Tracking solution allows you to upload sales data from your ERP system. By integrating key sales information such as end customer, part, price, quantity, inventory and shipment information, you can align your field sales forecasts and production plans to accurately meet product demand to achieve revenue targets while minimizing inventory exposure.


  • Make forecasts accurate enough to run the business
  • Turn reviews into action planning meetings instead of reviews of what is going on
  • Get everyone on the same plan to win at key accounts
  • Get rid of operations issues that take sales time
  • Get the information you want from sales when you want it
  • Find out where you are missing the plan
  • Stop being frustrated with your CRM because it isn’t quite right

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Offer your customers an easy-to-use automated sample request and fulfillment system that allows you to capture the important customer data you need for each sample request that is fulfilled, even if it’s fulfilled from a distributor. Your customers and extended team will have complete visibility from request to fulfillment, including shipment tracking information. Ensure that Evaluation boards get returned. Easy integration allows you to tie your Samples Management system to your Opportunity Tracking/CRM and ERP systems.


  • Ship samples fast and follow up to book $$
  • Launch new products fast and get an ROI
  • Make sure you understand the competitive situation at key accounts
  • Get rid of operations issues that take sales time
  • Stop chasing opportunities that don’t have a good return or chance of success
  • Close new business faster
  • Stop being frustrated with your CRM because it isn’t quite right
“The NEHANET Sample system makes getting approval and following up on a sample fast and easy. We just don’t loose track of them anymore, and that makes the product lines happy to give them to customers.”


Boost Customer Satisfaction
With a ‘closed loop system’, you will improve your customers’ experience in acquiring samples because sample requests are tracked from beginning to end. That means requests will not get lost, the response time will be faster, follow-up will be consistent, and customers will be able to track their request and shipment status.

Increase Design Wins
The NEHANET Sample Tracking system can increase your design wins by giving you the option to log each sample request as an opportunity that can be monitored and followed-up by a sales person. For example, a company that does between fifty and one hundred samples per month can realize up to five or even ten new opportunities.

Minimize Overhead
The NEHANET system will help ensure that you only ship samples to valid opportunities, instead of stocking up someone’s home workshop or lab cabinets. Your team will spend less time processing requests manually at lower cost.

Improve Productivity
Your extended sales team will be able to easily request samples that are fully trackable without waiting for an email reply or return phone call. Your company will be able to achieve very efficient response times and accurately ship trackable samples which will mean less time and effort for your sales, support and fulfillment teams.

Management Control
The NEHANET system will improve your visibility and control over the true opportunity pipeline, driving opportunity identification at the front end of a design cycle. You will also have the ability to enforce sample request protocol with both internal and external partners.

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NEHANETs Shipment information system captures what is shipped including from disti and makes the data visible and usable by sales to assess the current situation. Forecasting and customer discussions depend on having a clear picture of where you are today, NEHANET makes that available to everyone.


  • Make forecasts accurate enough to run the business
  • Turn reviews into action planning meetings instead of reviews of what is going on
  • Know where you stand with critical customers
  • Get the information you want from sales when you want it
  • Make sure you understand the competitive situation at key accounts
  • Find out where you are missing the plan
  • Keep commissions from becoming an issue with your sales people
  • Stop being frustrated with your CRM because it isn’t quite right
“We used to have to go into another system or make a call to see if something shipped. Now the NEHANET CRM captures the shipment info and we have it right at our fingertips with we are talking to customers.”


Shipments have to be a part of any good sales planning system
Sales needs to know what has been shipped and what is going to be shipped to manage customer expectations and to build a credible forecast. The NEHANET Shipments system captures what has shipped and what is forecasted to ship in the future and provides that information to sales so they can account for the ongoing business while they provide a forecast of what the business looks like in the future. It all has to tie together – Forecasting – Financial sytems – Operations systems – to make a complete consistent business planning system.

The CRM system can ship with ease so all your actions are in one place ready to go.
The NEHANET Shipment system handles all the process steps to deliver products to your customers. When you’re ready to ship, log in, fill out the delivery information and create an invoice. Trigger a pick list and get the box ready to ship. All the data is right at your fingertips with customer and PO information already configured so it all happens smoothly and error free.

Merge all your customer information in the CRM to manage the end to end customer process.
You don’t need to have a separate shipment system with customer databases, addresses, and shipping information that all gets entered again and is never consistent with the CRM system. If you do it all in one data system, accuracy goes up and customer satisfaction goes up and your costs go down. A win – win for everyone.

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You often have inventory moving between manufacturing operations as contract manufacturers take inventory but sometimes do not pay until it is used. NEHANETs stock tracking captures this movement and make it visible so you can meet customer needs and keep inventory as low as possible.


  • Find out where you are missing the plan
  • Stop being frustrated with your CRM because it isn’t quite right
  • Be able to find documents when I need them
  • Get rid of operations issues that take sales time
  • Improve margins in the channel
  • Improve margins
“When our customers started using lots of contract manufacturers, keeping track of what parts went where was confusing. The Stock Movement system from NEHANET gave us control of the inventory system across all the parts of the process.”


Know what your stock is no matter where it moved to.
In many businesses, inventory moves through several manufacturing systems before completion, the NEHANET stock movement system lets you track these movements through distributors, contract manufacturers, or other parts of your internal or customer systems to make sure you have a well planned, controlled inventory management process across all the key parts of your business.

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The NEHANET Distributor Stock Rotation module allows Manufacturers to manage their Channel Inventory efficiently by providing a real-time visibility to how much material is already in the channel. The system ensures that the returned stock goes through a predefined acceptance process before a credit is issued. The approval process can be automated and email notifications set up to notify all participants.


  • Manage Rep, Disti and Direct Accounts?
  • Deal with RMAs
  • Get rid of operations issues that take sales time
  • Improve margins

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The NEHANET Campaign Manager allows you to deliver, track and manage sales and marketing messages to targeted audiences. You can easily create target lists to include customers who bought a certain product, rep firms, distributors, internal teams or web-site visitors that show interest in a particular product. You can also analyze campaign effectiveness by measuring response rates and click-throughs.


  • Find out if your web, leads, trade shows, and marketing programs yield business?
  • Launch new products fast and get an ROI?
  • Get to leads while they are still hot and turn them into business
  • Get information to the right customers on time?
“We do a lot of social media campaigns and getting the sales people to follow up on the leads was hard until we started using the NEHANET Campaign system. Now we can see results.”


Good Communication Improves Customer Retention
Keep your customers and prospects informed of new releases, important product updates, production and manufacturing opportunities and events that affect their business and the industry.

Improve Product Launches
Make it faster and easier for your marketing and sales teams to develop and send targeted messages to your customers, field teams, rep firms, distributors and manufacturing partners. It’s a great tool in your product launch arsenal.

Fast, Effective Campaigns
The NEHANET system gives your marketing team the ability to segment targeted customers on a number of important attributes and quickly design effective campaigns and messages with an HTML based tool. Campaigns can then be delivered via email or post mail.

Powerful Analytics
Monitor, track and report statistics on the receipt and review of targeted campaigns and messages. Your team will know who read the message and when, while your management team can analyze the data for program effectiveness.

Competitive Advantage
Rather than reacting to customer inquiries or product information requests from the field, be proactive in driving information out to customers. Stay one step ahead of your competition by delivering on-time targeted campaigns and messages that keep bringing customers back to you.

Get business from Marketing Campaigns and Trade Shows
Marketing has campaigns they a do to generate new leads, the company spends a lot of finding out who might be an exciting new customer. Trade Shows also are expensive ways to generate more business. All of these generate leads that need follow up and effort to turn into new business. The NEHANET Campaign system lets you manage campaigns, target specific groups of people and then drive followup to get them turned into new business. If you make it a closed loop system that efficiently manages the entire campaign from start to finish you can turn the investment into new business fast.

Trade shows get leads, what happens then?
You probably spend a lot going to trade shows, some good business gets done there usually but you also capture a lot of lead and need to do something with them. If you have a good lead and campaign management system you can go after them right after the show with targetted email or phone campaigns to get engaged and build on the investment you made in the trade show while it is still hot. Asking sales to follow up typically goes no where and if you have an organized way to get going and separate the real leads from the looky loos, you can get business you might have missed otherwise. NEHANETs campaign system makes it easy.

Find new customers with marketing campaigns that get it done and follow up efficiently
Marketing has lots of ways to find leads, web hits, lead lists, company targets, trade shows, organizations, etc. All get lead info that needs to be followed up and prioritized. It also costs money to get the information and do something about it. With the NEHANET campaign system you can launch broad targetted campaigns to get messages out to potential customers and then track what happens to find out what works best to get new customers and build the business. Find out what works, stop wasting money on what doesn’t and take advantage of the leads that can turn into new customers.

Get information out to your customers easily
If you are launching new products, entering new businesses, buying a company, or trying to let customers know about a product issue or obsolesence you can do it efficiently with the NEHANET campaign system that gets the message to contact list and makes sure everyone gets contacted when they need to be contacted. You dont have to depend on sales to let customers know, you can get the message to everyone on time with confidence.

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NEHANET Channels allow you to bring out the best in collaborative, social learning and sharing across all members of your extended organization and ecosystem, all done through a secure environment that you control. Unlike typical social networks that run off a “Personal Networks“, NEHANET Channels help you achieve Competitive Advantage by driving collaboration and information sharing that is not dependent on personal connections, and that lasts beyond changes in organizations and personnel. Users can create and control their Social Channels. You can also set up specific Channels for sales, marketing, key customers, new products and the like. Channels can be opened up to certain roles, and can be setup for manual or automatic approvals when some one from that role joins the channel. All participants in the Channel can open Conversation threads and respond to other threads as appropriate.


  • Manage Rep, Disti and Direct Accounts?
  • Manage Rep/Disti Territory Assignments?
  • Manage Relationships and Org Charts?
  • Close new business faster
  • Turn reviews into action planning meetings instead of reviews of what is going on
  • Improve margins
“We always had trouble keeping the attention of our Channel partners until we started using the NEHANET Channel System. It lets us see where they are and what they are doing real time.”


Users can create and control their Social Channels. You can also set up specific Channels for sales, marketing, key customers, new products and the like. Social Channels can be opened up to certain roles, and can be setup for manual or automatic approvals when some one from that role joins the channel. All participants in the Channel can open Conversation threads and respond to other threads as appropriate.

These Channels and Conversations are persistent and last beyond organizational and personnel changes. For example, A new rep joining your Company will be able to see and learn from the Conversations on the Channels for his region and accounts. You could open a company wide Channel called Introductions that could be used by sales reps to get warm introductions into targeted companies. Another Channel could be Quotes where reps and marketing managers could communicate directly regarding the approval status of quotes.


Boost Channel Sales
Distributors, Reps, VARs all are part of your sales team. NEHANET Channel Solution lets you find out what they are doing, keep control of their activities and inventories, and coordinate the entire sales effort to maximize the results. Get mindshare and have good insight into what they are really doing not just what they tell you in quarterly reviews with our Channel Solution

Are your channel partners really selling for you?
Channel partners have competing priorities, sometimes they even have competing lines. Getting mindshare and focus is essential and hard to do. The NEHANET Channel System makes it clear what is going on, whether or not they are finding new business and managing what you have now. We keep it simple and capture their sales data as part of your sales data so you can see what is happening in total or at specific customers or no business opportunities you think they are working on for you.

Review with your channel partners should be about what they need to do not what they have been doing.
If you manage the channel partners by quarterly reviews you are probably missing the boat. Your sales management systm should be capturing all the business that is happening and the history and inventory so you can focus on what needs to be done to grow not what did or didnt happen since the last QBR. The NEHANET Channel system presents the data and current situation to you all the time so you can take action and not wait for a QBR to get a surprise.

Are your channel partners really selling for you?
Channel partners have competing priorities, sometimes they even have competing lines. Getting mindshare and focus is essential and hard to do. The NEHANET Channel System makes it clear what is going on, whether or not they are finding new business and managing what you have now. We keep it simple and capture their sales data as part of your sales data so you can see what is happening in total or at specific customers or no business opportunities you think they are working on for you.

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NEHANET has a Cost module that lets you look at the relative business value of the various parts of the sales process. The Cost module works in conjunction with Pricing, Opportunity, Quotes, Order and POS module to provide a Gross Margin for customers, products or new business opportunity.


  • Stop chasing opportunities that don’t have a good return or chance of success?
  • Build a business plan that drives the team to win?
  • Motivate sales to win?
  • Know where you stand with critical customers?
  • Turn reviews into action planning meetings instead of situation updates?
“We were always guessing about whether or not a piece of business was a good deal until we started using the NEHANET Cost module. Now we can compare and see where to focus.”


Manage to Cost as you Sell
NEHANET’s Cost Module captures cost information from finance and lets you know where you stand at an account or on a new opportunity as you discuss pricing and contract negotiations. Knowing what customers are the profit makers helps you prioritize business that generates the best return for the company and drive improvement.

Costs too high, if you know based on customer data you can get it fixed.
Growing at a customer who is not profitable is usually not a good idea. If you know who is profitable and who is not you can focus your time and energy to build the right kind of business. It also lets you identify where the operations people need to focus to reduce costs. Usually, when some part of the business is not profitable you can expect to find that your competition has figured out how to do better than you do. Knowing where to focus the get improvement is half the game. Making it all visible and based on customer wins and losses makes it easier to get things to change for the better.

Prioritizing things gets easier if you know how profitable things are
Some business is a good deal and other customers and opportunities are not so good even if they are large. With the NEHANET Cost solution, financial cost information is in the system so you can see whether lowering the price, or offering more is a good deal for the company. When you are trading off priorities as the business progresses, prioritizing the business that delivers the most profit is usually a good thing. At least if you know it is a decision based on the overall situation not just who yells the loudest so you can make better business decisions faster.

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Having all the data is good but being able to see at a glance what is important, where you are against the plan and where you need to focus your attention is what makes it all work. Dashboards let you set up reports or charts that show what you want to see quickly and get the up to date view from one place that lets you drill down into the data quickly to get the details.


  • Get the information you want from sales when you want it?
  • Close new business faster?
  • Prioritize team focus on best business?
  • Know where you stand with critical customers?
  • Motivate sales to win?
  • Stop chasing opportunities that don’t have a good return or chance of success?
“We needed a way to manage all the sales information for accounts, opportunities and forecasts, Nehanet made it painless and enabled us to focus on selling.”


Turn data into insight!
Data, Data, Data but getting a picture of what the situation is quickly is easy with NEHANETs Dashboard solutions. You set up groups of information or charts that make the picture clear for your part of the business and the Dashboard is what you see when you start the day to make it clear where to focus your efforts to make things better.

Make your discussions about what can be done to help not finding out what is going on.
You are talking to one of your people and would like to get a good picture of how they are doing and what their big deals are. Dashboards let you set a consistent way to visualize what is going on and presents it in a clear way so you can see at a glance what you should discuss and help on.

See at a glance where things stand on key business metrics.
You have all the data in your CRM system. Dashboards let you visualize it in the way you want to flag issues and successes where your attention can make a difference. A good dashboard presents summarized data about the state of the business, where you and key groups stand compared to key business metrics, and gives you access to details quickly if you want to drill down into something. NEHANETs dashboards let you set up a set of monitors the way you want to and presents them to you as the starting place when you log in.

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The NEHANET Lead Tracking engine gives you a powerful and flexible way to manage Leads from inception through opportunity creation. Leads can be captured through various sources, including web leads, trade shows, sample and quote requests and campaign results, and routed to your sales people or reps and distributors based on account type, region and other rules. Leads can be qualified and promoted to opportunities or closed out.


  • Get to leads while they are still hot and turn them into business
  • Find out if your web, leads, trade shows, and marketing programs yield business
  • Stop being frustrated with your CRM because it isn’t quite right
  • Close new business faster
  • Manage Rep, Disti and Direct Accounts?
  • Launch new products fast and get an ROI
“Leads come from everywhere these days with the web, social media, shows, Linkedin etc. What to do about them is the issues but the NEHANET Lead system gets them to the right person to follow up and we can see what happens.”


Turn Leads into Opportunities
Leads come from everywhere – web, emails, campaigns, word of mouth, contacts, trade shows, – some are a waste of time but some turn into new business. The NEHANET Lead Management system captures leads and gets them out to the right sales person for follow up. You can see which source of leads brings in new business and focus your investment to maximize ROI.

Do you really get and ROI that makes sense from trade shows – find out.
Trade Shows are all over the place and cost a lot of money and take a lot of management time to attend. There are always some good customer meetings that take place at trade shows but a lot of the investment is focused on being visible and getting new customers interested in your products. Sadly, the leads you get at trade shows often lead nowhere after you get back when nobody really follows up. The NEHANET Lead system lets you capture and track leads to make sure you follow up and work on the ones that can build the business. Turn leads into revenue and figure out what works and what doesn’t by measuring what happens to the leads you get.

You spend a lot of $$ to get leads are trade shows, marketing programs, web activities – turn them into business.
In today’s social media/internet world leads come at you in all kinds of ways. Too often they just get ignored even though you spend a lot of $$ trying to get them with marketing programs and web activities. Capturing leads and getting them out to sales people for follow-up and prioritization can turn them into new business instead of wasted resources. The NEHANET Lead system automates the capture and assignment of leads and keeps track of what happens to help you figure out what works and what doesn’t.

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The NEHANET Product Lifecycle Manager (PLM) system offers Product Managers and Marketing a centralized product database that can capture all product attributes securely and make them available to different constituents on a secure partitioned basis via different mediums such as the website, the CRM system or other systems. The entire product lifecycle can be managed in the NehaNet PLM and a very wide range of information attributes ranging from product parametric data to web content, can be managed and updated in an online, 24×7, easy to access and secure system.


  • Get rid of operations issues that take sales time
  • Stop chasing opportunities that don’t have a good return or chance of success
  • Close new business faster
  • Stop being frustrated with your CRM because it isn’t quite right
  • Get everyone trained to improve effectiveness
  • Be able to find documents when I need them
  • Manage Rep/Disti Territory Assignments?
  • Manage Rep, Disti and Direct Accounts?
  • Launch new products fast and get an ROI
“The NEHANET Parts system captures all the details about all the parts I can sell in one place and lets me talk to customers with confidence about them with all the current information and specs so I don’t make any mistakes.”


Parts catalogs for sales are key
Any CRM system for a manufacturing business has a large range of parts, packages, part families, product lines, business groups, and all of this has to be integrated into the CRM data. The CRM Parts system also allows you to capture a descrition of the part, and how it relates to all the other catagories of how you run your business. It also needs to map into the financial system to make sure it is consistant with all the other databases in your business. By using the CRM Parts system you can keep a standard record of all the information about the part, including documents such as spec sheet and technical information all in one place that can be accessed by everyone when they are ineracting with customers. You get to get the information, know it is current and accurate, and don’t have to go find it in other systems. NEHANET keeps it simple and makes it available when you need it.

Always have the right information accessible to sales to work with customers.
The NEHANET Parts systems keeps sales under control by only offering them the approved set of parts for them to sell. Finding out all the critical information about a part a customer is interested in is easy when all the information is catagorized in the Parts system and is totally accessable to sales and FAEs. You will never have to try to find the latest and greatest information again with NEHANET.

Sales needs lots of information about your products – put it in one place to make it simple
If you have a lot of parts or variations of parts, packages, or other types of things customers can buy you need to keep them organized in one place so sales can offer them to customers and they can order them easily. The NEHANET Part system keeps all the information in one place – specs, documents, descriptions, part numbers, ordering information, support products like boards and software – Product engineers and Marketing can enter information in the system to show what they want you to see. Sales can go to the CRM system to get all the information they need to sell a part and know it is up to date and accurate. The CRM system keeps it all organized, accessable, and up to date to make sales easier.

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When you are running a complex international business maintaining price consistency and control. With NEHANETs Price Minimum system your marketing or finance people can set price minimums and keep negotiations done by remote sales people from getting out of acceptible pricing boundaries.


  • Manage Rep, Disti and Direct Accounts?
  • Make sure quotes are done right and followed up
  • Get rid of operations issues that take sales time
  • Improve margins
“As a product line guy, I like being able to set a minimum price that I can accept so I don’t have to get involved in every negotiation as sales is trying to win.”


Keep control of Pricing without having to approve every price.
Prices get negotiated all over the organization. Sales, marketing, regional managers, Distribution, Reps, all are trying to win business and often need to get creative on pricing. NEHAHETs Price Minimum system lets you set a minimum pricing floor for negotiations and keeps you out of the trap of having to go through a long approval cycle for every deal. If sales knows the bottom and has insight into margins then sales executives can manage their business and get negotiations underway with confidence.

Empower Sales to win by making sure they know the limits for pricing.
If you are negotiating for a new piece of business you are always under price pressure. The price list gives you guidance about what marketing thinks the right pricing is but if you are packaging things together to win more, you often have to deviate from the standard price list. By having a minimum price limit you can see whether or not you are getting outside the boundaries that finance has set to keep things moving without having to go through a big approval cycle before you can start quoting the business

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The NEHANET Price Management System allows you to manage region, channel and customer specific pricelists with volume based or other pricing segments. You can manage OEM pricelists and disti costs and also specify volume brackets for additional discounting and create and manage time based pricelists. Using the Price Management System ensures that your extended sales team will be consistent and accurate in their decision making, and that quotes are consistent when issued to OEMs today and CMs in the future, allowing you to protect and improve your margins.


  • Make sure quotes are done right and followed up
  • Get rid of operations issues that take sales time
  • Improve margins in the channel
  • Stop chasing opportunities that don’t have a good return or chance of success
  • Close new business faster
  • Stop being frustrated with your CRM because it isn’t quite right
  • Launch new products fast and get an ROI
  • Make sure you understand the competitive situation at key accounts
  • Be able to find documents when I need them
“Pricing gets really complicated as you start dealing with competition issues and different regions. Keeping it all clear, and accurate is easy with the NEHANET price system and we can always go back and see the history and control who sets the pricing.”


Set prices for your products with confidence and consistency.
Managing pricing through the rep and disty channel and across all the geographic regions is a complex problem. Currency issues, market variation and customer expectations vary and have to be managed but you don’t want to have to approve every deal. NEHANETs Pricing System lets you set pricing, define volume discounts, and establish a consistant price across all the various paths a customer might try to buy your parts. You can control not only the pricing that gets quoted but also make sure the pricing is consistent across all the channnel partners, geographies and system requirements for a given customer opportunity so you can close the business faster without loosing out on pricing.

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The NEHANET Dynamic Product Catalog is a low cost way to deliver a Dynamic Product Catalog to your customers on your website and give your Marketing people an easy way to update and publish product information. Catalog views can be tailored depending on the role of the viewer to restrict certain parts or to restrict certain attributes. The Part Catalog automatically runs off the Product Lifecycle Manager and interfaces with the Product Selector and Solution Advisor.


  • Manage Rep, Disti and Direct Accounts?
  • Be able to find documents when I need them
  • Make sure quotes are done right and followed up
  • Get rid of operations issues that take sales time
  • Launch new products fast and get an ROI
  • Get everyone trained to improve effectiveness

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The NEHANET Product Selector delivers the best in self-service web-based product selection to boost customer loyalty while minimizing impact to your resources. The internet accessed system allows your customers, channel partners and field teams to quickly and easily find a product based on their specific criteria without making a phone call or sending an email.


  • Get to leads while they are still hot and turn them into business
  • Get rid of operations issues that take sales time
  • Be able to find documents when I need them
  • Make sure quotes are done right and followed up
  • Get everyone trained to improve effectiveness
  • Launch new products fast and get an ROI
  • Make sure you understand the competitive situation at key accounts

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Production Planning is complex for businesses with long leadtimes and volitale customer needs. The NEHANET Planning system builds a good forecast based on all the historical and current customer information and then interfaces that demand outlook with the inventory and build plans your operations people work with in their ERP system. Linking the demand forecasting system into the manufacturing planning system with override and approval rules lets you meet the customer needs and only build what you need when you need it.


  • Get rid of operations issues that take sales time
  • Improve margins in the channel
  • Find out where you are missing the plan
  • Turn reviews into action planning meetings instead of reviews of what is going on
  • Stop being frustrated with your CRM because it isn’t quite right
  • Make forecasts accurate enough to run the business
  • Make sure you understand the competitive situation at key accounts

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The NEHANET system might be used by many parts of your organization and might be used by reps and distributors who may access and enter information. The Users module lets you manage who is able to see or modify various parts of the companies business information.


  • Manage Relationships and Org Charts?
  • Manage Rep/Disti Territory Assignments?
  • Manage Rep, Disti and Direct Accounts?
  • Get rid of operations issues that take sales time
  • Be able to find documents when I need them
  • Stop being frustrated with your CRM because it isn’t quite right
  • Get everyone trained to improve effectiveness
“I can make sure information is secure with the User system from NEHANET so even my reps can see their business but not anything they shouldn’t see.”


Manage user access security is essential for a sales management system
Sales business systems have a lot of information about customers, products, costs, prices, opportunities in them to make them essential parts of managing your business. Keeping control of this information so only people who need to know it can see it and only people you should modify it is critical. NEHANETs User system lets you grant access and modification privileges to only the right people. It also lets you set up reps or channel partners to only be able to see their parts of the business and makes sure your critical business data is controlled and seen just by you.

Control your business information with confidence
You need to control who has access to what when you are working with customers. Even things as simple as a customers spec are sometimes covered under an NDA but needs to be accessible by some parts of the team but not by others especially outside channel partners. The NEHANET User system lets you set access control for each person on the system so they can only see or change the things they should.

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Businesses create all kinds of documents – spec, data sheets, reports, presentations, plans, spreadsheets, etc. Finding the right information when you need it without spending hours searching for the most up to date presentation or document is what NEHANETs Documents System makes a reality. A centralized document library, with revision control and searchable features makes finding the latest best information easy for sales or anyone else in the organization.


  • Be able to find documents when I need them
  • Get rid of operations issues that take sales time
  • Get everyone trained to improve effectiveness
  • Launch new products fast and get an ROI
  • Motivate sales to win
  • Close new business faster
  • Get the information you want from sales when you want it
“You wouldn’t believe how hard it used to be for sales to find the right information and be able to use it to present to customers. Now we know what is the latest and greatest, and we know what has worked for other sales people. Thanks NEHANET.”


Keep Documents organized and available all the time
Sales needs to get the latest documentation and presentations to talk to customers. They can spend a lot of time trying to find the most current versions and often have to get people to create new information or just make it themselves. If the presentation worked well it would also be nice to make it available to the rest of the team. The NEHANET Document solution lets you manage documents and keep the right info available to sales all the time. You can also attach documents to opportunities or customers so you always have the documents associated with a piece of business as part of the record of the win.

What presentations work best find out and spread the word
Companies have documents and presentations spread out all over the place, in marketing, product groups, management and sales. When you have a message that works people will use it if they know where it is and what others think about it’s value. The NEHANET Document system centralizes all the documents in one place and lets you see how others rated the effectiveness of what you had to say.

Hours to find the latest information and even then not sure, why is it so hard?
Documents and information can be stored in one place and catorgized by content, value and time. If sales is confident that they have the right information right away a lot of time is saved and you get to reuse instead of reinvent presentations and information all the time throughout the organization. It is simple with the NEHANET Document management system.

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The NEHANET Problem Escalation System is a powerful support tool designed to increase customer satisfaction and reduce support costs. Your customers will benefit from a closed loop, fully trackable, easy-to-use system for communicating their important support issues to your team, including Customer Support, Field Apps Engineers, Field Sales, Engineering, Operations and Marketing, for follow up and resolution.


  • Turn reviews into action planning meetings instead of reviews of what is going on
  • Build a plan to win key opportunities and do it
  • Close new business faster
  • Ensure Action Items are completed?
  • Stop chasing opportunities that don’t have a good return or chance of success
  • Improve margins
  • Get rid of operations issues that take sales time
  • Build a business plan that drives the team to win
“With the Escalation system from NEHANET I can get management attention and action to fix things for my customers without a lot of hassle.”


Improve Customer Satisfaction
To give your customers best of class support you need to include 24 X 7 worldwide online access to your team of experts, get fast response time, and give your customer the capability to track issue status , attach files, and get automatic email notifications. The NEHANET Escalation system makes it work.

Management Control
Enforce your ideal issue resolution processes in an automated fashion, alleviating costly and error-prone manual routing and response techniques. Have notification, routing and escalation tied to the way your sales and support processes work and designs are managed. Track an issue internally to drive teams such as marketing and engineering for corrective action.

Increase Productivity
The NEHANET Escalation solution can save between ten and twenty percent of a Field Applications Engineer’s (FAE) or Factory Apps Engineer’s valuable time. For example, if you have ten FAEs and five Factory Apps Engineers who collectively respond to twenty five or more issues per week, the NEHANET system could save you up to two FAEs in headcount.

Management Visibility and Reports
The NEHANET solution provides management visibility over the pipeline of issues with customizable reports, ad hoc queries and easy to use data analysis tools. This allows management to prioritize and assign scarce resources efficiently and build accurate sales support plans and budgets.

Keep Your Design Wins
Lack of appropriate customer support can lead to design-win losses. With a fifteen month design-to-revenue window there is plenty of opportunity to lose the business or get designed-out because a technical issue was not addressed in a timely or accurate manner. In fact, studies show that companies that cannot track or manage issues in an efficient and consistent manner can lose up to two percent of design-wins each year.

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The FAQ Knowledge Base system is a powerful on-line support tool designed to assist customers, field applications engineers (FAEs) and external partners in finding answers to technical questions quickly and easily. It is also an excellent resource for educating employees, channel partners, and customers. With an easy-to-use interface, this self-help tool effectively leverages your limited resources.


  • Be able to find documents when I need them
  • Close new business faster
  • Get rid of operations issues that take sales time

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The NEHANET Return Material Authorization is a flexible and powerful RMA engine that can automate your entire RMA process from web RMA entry, through validation and authorization, all the way to generating the shipping invoices and tracking shipments. Your customers, customer service people and others will have full visibility at all times on the status of any request. Convert your paper or other manual RMA process into a state of the art automated process.


  • Deal with RMAs
  • Be able to find documents when I need them
  • Get rid of operations issues that take sales time
“I don’t like make customers with an RMA wonder what is happening and whether we are going to accept it or not. The NEHANET RMA system makes RMAs easy to manage.”


Drive Customer Satisfaction
Drive Customer Satisfaction with a smooth, easy, transparent and efficient process where RMA requests do not get lost or misplaced. Allow customers to quickly request RMAs off your website and get confirmation and updates via email. Customers can also check the status of their request on the website 24×7.

Save Costs – Manage RMAs to build customer satisfaction.
The RMA module allows you to save money on multiple fronts. On one hand, by providing web forms and an automated request mechanism with a built-in update mechanism, you eliminate many incoming emails and calls about RMAs, which reduces the load on your Customer Service Team and reduces your headcount and processing costs. At the same time, an automated process allows you to better ensure customer compliance with your purchase agreements, and if needed, reject RMA requests if required.

Drive Efficiency and Accountability
The NEHANET RMA sysem allows you to completely automate all aspects of your RMA process, from initial request, thru the approval loop, thru inspection and final closure. Your team members will know what steps to take at each step in the process. All activities and updates are fully audited. Nothing will get dropped. Exceptions will be handled smoothly. All resulting in saving Customer Service team costs; driving team productivity and increasing customer satisfaction.

Manage RMAs so they don’t become a problem.
Having a complete RMA maangement system makes it a lot easier to keep customers happier and keep your management informed about what is happening and what the impact might be. NEHANET gets you out of the email, excel spreadsheet, disorganized process most companies have and moves you to a manageable organized, focused system to understand the problems, find solutions, and get the customer back running with confidence.

Manage Customers when there is a RMA so they know what to expect.
It is never fun dealing with an RMA – the customer is mad, production is stalled, your engineers don’t know what is going on, and the CFO doesn’t want to take financial liability. The NEHANET RMA system captures all the information, approval process, communications, and recovery plan in one place with all the current data so you can talk to your upset customer with confidence.

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The NehaNet Training System helps you move knowledge from the people who have it to the people who need it in a very cost effective manner, while ensuring those who receive it also understand it.


  • Get everyone trained to improve effectiveness
  • Launch new products fast and get an ROI
  • Be able to find documents when I need them
  • Get rid of operations issues that take sales time
  • Make sure you understand the competitive situation at key accounts
  • Get the information you want from sales when you want it
“Training never ends and the NEHANET Training solution gets it done in a timely way for everyone so we have more time to sell.”


Cost Effective
24X7 world-wide access means cutting down on travel time and expenses. That allows you to put training dollars into knowledge transfer while saving up to forty to sixty percent of traditional training expenses.

On Time Training
Deliver knowledge on-demand with up-to-the-minute information. Your team members can access training instantly – at the office, at home, or on the road, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. At the same time, your marketing and engineering teams can ensure the latest information and files, such as datasheets and schematics, are available as soon they are approved.

“No Rep Left Behind”
Ensure that every member of your extended sales force is trained and tested on the products you want them to sell.

Motivate Your Sales Channel
Tie the commission structure of your extended sales team to their knowledge of your products. For example, you can give Rep firms a higher commission structure if they can prove they know your product intimately by scoring high on their training certification tests. Your extended sales team will also benefit from having easy access to the information they need 24×7 around the globe.

Easy to Manage
Marketing and Training teams can manage training modules, create test questions and set-up rules for training individuals or groups. The system is highly configurable and can support multiple levels of training, training designed for groups, training deadlines and customized certification programs.

Management Visibility and Reports
Sales management and training departments have full visibility into the training and performance status of individuals, groups and regions. That way you know when new materials and tests have been issued, how much time people have spent reviewing course content and who passed which tests.

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