
Specialized CRM Solutions for Manufacturers, Reps and Distributors

ManufacturerCRM – chosen by Leading Companies Worldwide

Leading Manufacturers, Reps and Distributors choose NEHANET for one reason – to maximize their Revenues and Profitability by automating and optimizing a broad set of business processes to drive business efficiencies across their Sales, Manufacturing, Operations, Support and Marketing functions.

From tracking design-wins and sample orders, to managing global pricing, quoting and contracts, to managing actuals and backlog, to improving forecast accuracy and demand planning, to managing debits and POS to managing reps, supporting customers and managing field and factory application engineers; to having a compelling web site and marketing program, our solutions give High Tech Manufacturers 360° visibility into all aspects of their business operations. Our systems are used 24×7 by users across the world, working for our customers or their reps and distributors, all working with one unified purpose – to do better than the competition.

NEHANET is the system of choice for High Tech Manufacturers. Contact us at (888) 552-4470 or at sales@nehanet.com to learn more.

NEHANET Corporation

Editions & Pricing

API Pricing2023-06-07T20:35:27-08:30

Additional modules can be added to any Edition for a price ranging from $5/module/user/month to $20/module/user/month depending on the module.

$20/partner user/month.

10 Customer Portal users for each Internal user, up to a max of 150 users, included at no charge. Additional users $3/user/month.

$20/User/Month. Limited Users are either (a) Read-Only Users or (b) require access to only 1 module.

$5 /user/month/app
We know that different companies have different needs and budgets and focus on adding value around your needs. We have different services to match our clients budgets with their objectives that are billed as incurred on a time & materials basis.

$0.10 per API call. Get 10% of your monthly license fee as API call credits.

*Billed Annually, 5 users minimum.
For Volume Pricing, please contact sales@nehanet.com

Experience the NEHANET Difference absolutely risk-free.

The NEHANET 30 Day FREE Trial is designed to highlight the Competitive Advantage that NEHANET can bring to your business. Your objective is to see a working system with enough of your real data loaded so you can map out and prioritize your business process improvements, and rapidly achieve them.
Every customer situation is different and each customer has unique challenges and objectives both short-term and long-term.
Some of our customers have immediate funnel management challenges. Others are looking to improve their forecasting processes. Yet others are looking to drive improvements in their customer service procedures.

Some have outgrown their current systems and are looking to scale their systems to the next level.

Some customers have reps, others have distributors, some have both and some have neither. Some customers make custom products, others make standard products, and some make both. Transfer business is a critical issue for some customers and not for others.

We recognize that learning to configure NEHANET to specific business processes is not the best use of our customer’s time during the 30 Day FREE Trial. Accordingly, we don’t just provide our customers with an blank FREE Trial system to play with.

We go the extra mile during the 30 Day FREE Trial by tailoring your system to your business needs, at no cost to you. To do so, we need to understand your situation and objectives, and we need you to provide us with your data. We then setup your system, configure it to your requirements, load in your data, configure your user views and reports and train you on the system.

Upon request, we provide our 30 Day FREE Trial customers with a limited-access guest login to our Reference Demonstration System, which already has preconfigured modules and data that showcases NEHANET functionality across the broad set of business processes and functions that we automate.

The demo system is an excellent place to rapidly learn about and gain insights into NEHANET, and to get familiar with concepts and capabilities that may not be a part of your current road map. On the flip side, please do realize that as a reference system it may contain features and functions that may not apply to your particular situation.

When you log into your 30 Day FREE Trial system, you will see your data in place, will be able to run reports right off the bat, and will be able to start scaling your business processes, and allow us to help Drive Competitive Advantage for you.

Our domain expertise, industry specific functionality and usability directly drives effectiveness and competitive advantage for your business.

As part of the FREE Trial, NEHANET will, at no cost, configure your FREE Trial system to the same level as your current systems, thus allowing you to start focusing on the NEHANET benefits right away.






    Points Of  View

    NEHANET Data Analytics provide the information insight you need no matter where you sit in the organization. If you want to know the answers to your most important questions, NEHANET delivers the information you need.

    “Where you need to focus to keep on plan and getting financial results!”

    As CEO, if you face any of the following critical issues, NEHANET can help

    • Deliver financial results that the Board expects
    • Revenue accountability – Who is on plan and who isn’t
    • Channel performance
    • Budgets and planning
    • Know where you need to invest to improve results
    • Revenue by channel-region-group
    • Strategic account relationship progress
    • Customer satisfaction

    NEHANET delivers a full range of applications to provide executive information structured the way you want to see it. You will be able to:

    • Have accurate, real-time Plan and Goal visibility
    • Easily see business history and forecast with details so you can focus where it counts
    • Know the current situation at key customers, opportunities, and products
    • Have data based priority and activity capability for proactive intervention
    • Change reviews to strategy planning instead of situational presentations
    • Drives team focus and priority to close business faster
    • Have confidence that you will deliver the results
    “What issues need to be addressed to meet the financial objectives for the company!”

    As CFO, if you face any of the following critical issues, NEHANET can help

    • Revenue accountability – Who is on plan and who isn’t
    • Channel performance
    • Forecasting
    • Budgets and planning
    • Revenue by channel-region-group
    • Strategic account relationship mgmt
    • Customer satisfaction
    • Margin by channel- group
    • Cost to plan
    • Inventory turns
    • R&D ROI
    • Lead time change impacts

    NEHANET delivers a full range of applications to provide executive information structured the way you want to see it. You will be able to:

    • Visualize Pipeline, History, Channel, Plan, Business Unit, Customer, ROI, and regional information quickly
    • See where the issues are to meet your plan and take action
    • Drive corrective actions and priorities based on data
    • See what is happening now on key customers, opportunities, and products and have a plan is to win
    • Get control of your sales channels
    • Get the organization to manage to growth and margin based on data
    • Know marketing program and new product ROI
    • Have a complete view of the business outlook and a plan to improve that the team is executing
    • Reduce the surprises from customers and sales.
    “Are we getting customers committed to buying and meeting our plan. How can I get support for what I need to win?”

    As a Sales leader, if you face any of the following critical issues, NEHANET can help

    • Order outlook by region-group-channel-sales person
    • Performance to plan
    • Account sales activity
    • Opportunities progress and win plan
    • Accurate Forecasts
    • Sales call notes and actions
    • Critical issues identification
    • Quotes and winning major ops
    • Too much time selling internally

    NEHANET delivers an easy to use, configurable sales management solution to give you and your management real visibility into where the company stands with customers, opportunities, channels, forecasts and keeps you focused on executing your sales plan to drive new business. You will be able to:

    • Track the business by region-group-product line-channel-sales person
    • Manage your team and take action
    • Build a plan to close new opportunities and get company support
    • Create customer transparency so the company can stop asking
    • Drive actions, priorities, and critical issues based on data not emotions
    • Move faster to close the business with full support
    • Automate sales processes that take time and often create issues like- RMAs, Samples, Commissions, Design Wins, Commission Splits, Annual Planning, Priorities, Critical Issues, Activities, and Quotes
    • Drive business closure and move away from having to take as much time selling internally as you have to sell to customers
    “Are we providing sales the information, leads, pricing, new products and competitive intelligence they need to win in the marketplace”

    As a Marketing leader, if you face any of the following critical issues, NEHANET can help

    • Account penetration progress
    • Forecasts vs key marketing initiatives
    • Lead response and conversion
    • Presentation needs and usage
    • Training
    • New product introduction success
    • Critical issue resolution
    • Competitive information
    • Message effectiveness feedback
    • Marketing program and trade show planning and effectiveness
    • Wins and losses analysis

    NEHANET delivers a web-based solution that provides accurate and timely product information to sales with customer support, lead management, and training. With complete visibility into customer – sales activities you get marketing analytics and competitive feedback to quickly adjust plans and messaging to build market success. You will be able to:

    • Automate marketing campaigns and follow up to maximize results
    • Build presentation programs that work with customers
    • Identify market trends and competitive threats and take action
    • Launch new products with an effective plan and sales support
    • Evaluate wins and losses
    • Build and execute an effective training program
    • Know what is working with customers and what isn’t
    • Show the ROI for marketing investments
    • Build a coordinated marketing and sales growth plan
    “Are my sales people getting the job done with customers and channel partners to deliver the results we need and is the organization delivering what sales needs to win?”

    Critical Issues

    • Order status with opportunities, forecasts, and problem status
    • Performance to plan – People metrics and budgets
    • Critical issue identification and management
    • Account penetration into strategic accounts
    • Show progress toward winning key opportunities and getting into key customers
    • Training and people development – get them good information quickly
    • Competition feedback
    • Channel management
    • Get Internal support and reduce time in meetings and reviews
    • Rep & Distribution Business Reviews and mindshare
    • Commissions and compensation payment
    • Forecast update and accuracy

    NEHANET delivers an easy to use, configurable sales management solution to give you and your management real visibility into the business situation with customers, opportunities, channels, forecasts and lets you focus on executing your sales plan to drive new business. You will be able to:

    • Track the business the way you want to by region-group-product line-channel-sales person
    • Manage your team and take action where it is needed
    • Get support for your plan to close new opportunities
    • Create customer transparency so the company can see what is happening without asking
    • Drive actions, priorities, and critical issues based on data not emotions
    • Move faster to close the business with full support
    • Train your people and provide information they need
    • Drive business closure and move away from having to take as much time selling internally as you have to sell to customers
    “I need to show the company what I am going to deliver and get the rest of the company to deliver what I need to win?”

    Critical Issues

    • Feed the data monster – Keep system updated with minimum time loss
    • Show progress on opportunities
    • Stop having to defend myself and start driving to win
    • Get issues addressed by organization
    • Find documents and presentations that work
    • Track what happens in interactions with customers and product lines
    • Providing feedback on success/losses/ and competition
    • Get support internally for the things my customer needs
    • Cut down the time I have to be in meetings

    NEHANET delivers an easy to use, configurable sales management solution to give you an effective platform to show the company what you are going to deliver from your customers. By delivering up to date information about the business situation with customers, opportunities, channels, forecasts and lets you focus on executing your sales plan to drive new business. You will be able to:

    • Track the business the way you want to by region-group-product line-channel-sales person
    • Manage what needs to get done to help you deliver business
    • Build a plan to close new opportunities and get company support
    • Create customer transparency so the company can see what is happening without asking
    • Drive actions, priorities, and critical issues based on data not emotions
    • Move faster to close the business with full support
    • Drive business closure and move away from having to take as much time selling internally as you have to sell to customers
    “Is sales selling my products, how can I grow faster, and will we meet the plan?”

    Critical Issues

    • Product launch planning and execution by sales
    • Win-loss analysis
    • Know what is needed to grow faster
    • Make priorities data based and tied to results
    • Competitive insight
    • Forecast impact on manufacturing planning
    • Capacity planning and demand analysis based on customer insight
    • Pricing vs cost analysis and forecasting

    NEHANET delivers a full range of applications to provide executive information structured the way you want to see it. It captures detailed Pipeline, History, Channel, Plan, Business Unit, Customer, ROI, and regional information to let you prioritize actions to improve results. You will be able to:

    • See where the issues are to meet your plan and take action
    • Drive corrective actions and priorities based on data
    • See what is happening now on key customers, opportunities, and products and have a plan is to win
    • Get control of your business situation with transparency into sales
    • Get the organization to manage to growth and margin based on data
    • Have a committed new product launch plan that is executed by sales
    • Know marketing program and new product ROI
    • Have a complete view of the business outlook and a plan to improve that the team is executing
    • Reduce the surprises from customers and sales.


    NEHANET’s service team initially works with your business and technical staff to learn your current scenarios, identify your inefficiencies and discover their root causes. We then use our expertise to build upon our scalable applications and deliver appropriate, comprehensive and optimal solutions. We work closely with you to develop a low-risk implementation plan with a short time-to-benefit. Then we assist you in planning ways to sustain a successful collaborative sales solution.

    Our FAST-Track Rollout Methodology and PARTNER Post-Rollout Methodology are designed to get you up and running in as little as two weeks, and to make sure your system continues to evolve as your business needs evolve and grow.

    FAST-Track Rollout Methodology

    Getting your system launched, rapidly and successfully in a manner designed to maximize your ROI from the system.

    • Format and load your existing data into the system.
    • Analyze system configuration based on feedback and reload data as required.
    • Setup Filters and Dashboards to monitor and help run your business.
    • Train your users

    PARTNER Post-Rollout Methodology

    Seven Step Process to Building Enduring Relationships for Mutual Success

    • Be your Partner and a virtual member of your Sales Operations team, from Sales Meetings to more.
    • Track, Communicate and Drive Adoption (Horizontal, Vertical and By Process)
    • Reconfigure and adjust system configuration based on feedback.
    • Train your users
    • Develop New features as your business and your requirements grow.
    • Extend our partnership by deploying additional modules and adding more users.
    • Expand our business through your Referrals and References.

    NEHANET guides its customers through each implementation phase, from design to configuration, testing, and deployment. From start to finish, our deep industry knowledge and strong domain expertise allow us to interact and communicate easily with our customers.

    NEHANET provides the advantage of assistive software tools and configurable solutions that drastically reduce the need for customization. Our entire implementation cycle is often less than four weeks. By deploying applications in a layered manner, NEHANET ensures that you start seeing results within a week from deployment. This also allows your team to make improvements and scale as we build.

    NEHANET solutions use the most advanced technologies in Java, JSON, XML and other web server, application and middle-ware systems. Our modular design, combined with the extensible nature of our product suite, affords tremendous latitude in data and application integration. Our solutions are capable of operating in a stand-alone, batch, or fully integrated mode. Pre-defined templates and NEHANET adapters for well-understood data and application formats also speed up deployment and allow integration with diverse data systems.
    To learn about the Information Integration Framework, please click here
    User training is critical to the success of an enterprise-wide collaborative sales solution. NEHANET provides its clients all the training they need throughout the implementation lifecycle and provides different sets of comprehensive training sessions for project teams, administrators and end-users. Our onsite as well as online training capabilities ensure our clients with continued access to training even beyond the implementation period.
    NEHANET assigns a key contact person to plan and execute projects. Each project is controlled to meet the timeline set for a quick and effective rollout. The assigned Project Manager regularly provides update reports to track implementation and monitor progress. These reports also enable clients to evaluate the return on their investment on an ongoing basis.

    The NEHANET Support team is prepared to address any inquiries related to functionality that is achieved through the application’s user interface or through NEHANET’s public API. Inquiries related to third-party integrations, code-level customizations, and development best practices are outside our scope of support.

    You can open a support case with NEHANET via your NEHANET application, via the https://www.nehanet.com/ website or by emailing support@nehanet.com.

    We encourage you to include as much of the following as makes sense for your situation.

    • Clear Description: Please provide the critical details regarding your problem, including steps to reproduce, a reference to at least one affected record (if a data issue), date/time that the error last occurred, date/time the functionality was last working as expected, scope of user impact (admin vs. non-admin, select users or all users, web browser and version used)
    • On-Screen Errors or Messages: If there are errors on the screen, take a screenshot or copy and send them to us.
    • Browser Console Errors: Please check your browser console and document any errors that are logged.
    • Pictures: Screenshots are a great way to make clear the problem, so please send them to us.

    NEHANET is available in several editions, each of which offers differing product functionality as well as varying support levels. Each edition’s included support is detailed in the chart below. While we strive to resolve issues as quickly as possible,  our response times depend upon your Edition as well as the priority level (P1, P2, or P3) of the issue. The priorities are defined as follows:

    Priority Definition
    P1 NEHANET (production instance only) is completely down or system-critical functions are inaccessible by users
    P2 NEHANET is generally up and functioning but one or more items are not working as expected
    P3 Non-critical issues or general questions about the application

    You can expect an initial response to your issue within the following timeframes based on your Edition.

    Included Support Coverage Small Business Support Standard Distribution Enterprise
    P1 SLA 4 Business Hours 3 Business Hours 2 Business Hours 2 Business Hours 2 Hours 24/7
    P2 SLA 2 Business Days 2 Business Days 1 Business Day 1 Business Day 6 Business Hours
    P3 SLA 4 Business Days 4 Business Days 3 Business Days 3 Business Days 2 Business Days
     Support-Authorized Contacts  1  1  2  2  4

    You can expect resolution time to your issue (resolved or a work around is provided which is satisfactory to the customer) within the following timeframes based on your Edition.

    Included Support Coverage Small Business Support Standard Distribution Enterprise
    P1 SLA 3 Business Days 3 Business Days 2 Business Days 2 Business Days 24 Hours
    P2 SLA 9 Business Days 9 Business Days 6 Business Days 6 Business Days 4 Business Days

    NEHANET provides you with the flexibility to choose On-Cloud or On-Premise Deployment. The core functionality of the system is identical and both deployments are transparent from an end-user perspective. However, the nature of the integration with your ERP and other systems will vary depending on the deployment model chosen. NEHANET takes care of the security and data backup in the On-Cloud deployment, whereas you are responsible for doing so in the On-Premise deployment.

    On-Cloud Deployment:

    NEHANET provides a hosted solution in a secure data center with 24×7 hardware and software support. Users simply connect to the application via the Internet using a web browser. Automatic problem detection and restart features along with easily accessible technical support personnel guarantee high availability and reliability

    If you opt to have us host your application, you do not need to install any hardware or software. Our hosting solution also removes any additional load on your technical staff to maintain the application. Opting for NEHANET’s hosting services thus removes the need for you to shoulder equipment and staff costs. Please click here for SAS 70 information from our hosting provider.

    On-Premise Deployment:

    If you choose the on-premise option and opt to host the application in-house, you will need to provide a Windows-based server class machine along with a Microsoft SQL Server 2022 or newer. NEHANET Services team will install Tomcat Application Server and Java when they install the NEHANET software on your server. You will need to provide us with Remote Desktop Access (RDP) to your server so our services team can complete the installation of NEHANET software.

    Mail Server Connectivity

    If you need email alerts enabled in the CRM, you will need to provide SMTP access to your mail server so we can connect the CRM to your mail server.


    You will be responsible for periodic onsite and offsite data backups and for all security patches/firewall configurations etc on your server. We recommend daily full backups along with daily (or more frequent) incremental backups.

    NEHANET Corporation provides a multi-level security and applications hosting infrastructure for the NEHANET websites to give you peace of mind regarding accessing your application and keeping your data secure.

    Use of the NEHANET service is subject to the terms and conditions of the customer’s subscription agreement with NEHANET. NEHANET may modify its security infrastructure and/or this security statement from time to time.

    The NEHANET software systems is hosted at Rackspace, a Managed Hosting Provider who provides:

    Secure Collocation:

    All the hosting infrastructure and servers are collocated at a hosting facility in Texas which provides 24-hour physical security, strictly monitored access to all data centers using key card protocols, bio metric scanning protocols and continuous interior and exterior surveillance. Access is limited to data center personnel only without exception and all data center employees undergo thorough background security checks before being employed. Please click here to read more.

    High Availability Collocation:

    The collocation facility provides specific SLAs for 100% availability of the network, critical infrastructure system (including power and HVAC) and functioning of all hardware components and replacement of any failed component at all times, excluding scheduled maintenance.

    Certified Collocation:

    Rackspace went through a SSAE16 Type II SOC1, SOC2 (Security and Availability Only), and SOC3 audits covering all data center facilities globally to certify that they have the processes and safeguards in place to protect the application and data. Please click here to read more.

    In addition, the hosting provider has Safe Harbor certification that it provides “adequate” privacy protection by the standard of the European Commission’s Directive on Data Protection. In addition, NEHANET takes several steps to ensure that your applications and data are secure and accessible to you at all times.

    Firewall/Perimeter Security:

    All systems are protected by firewall systems that only allow access to NEHANET designated entry points and prevent any access to any other system resources. The NEHANET machines are behind NEHANET- dedicated firewalls in isolated sub nets. Logical access to Rackspace is only possible thru a limited set of NEHANET machines.

    Data Encryption:

    You can choose to procure a SSL security certificate and provide it to NEHANET to ensure that all your traffic and data is being fully protected with your own certificate. The lock icon in the browser indicates that data is encrypted and protected from access while in transit.

    Process Isolation:

    NEHANET uses a shared-server hosting architecture where multiple client applications are hosted on shared machines. Hosting can be either multi-tenant or each application runs on its own web server and in its own dedicated application address. Hence, requests for SSL encryption and other web server specific options can be easily accommodated.

    User Authentication and Security:

    Users need to sign on based on username and passwords. Users are associated with roles, regions, business units and companies, and the system uses this access control mechanism to restrict the view for a particular end-user based on his or her specific role, region, business unit and company for further security. In addition, each user session is tracked separately and the system architecture prevents one user from accessing data that is in another user’s view. Referral based user authentication can be configured so that only users coming from well-defined Intranets are allowed access to the system. Similarly, single-sign on from your Intranet/application can also be configured if needed.

    Application Availability:

    In addition to the hardware and network availability measures in place, the systems are monitored for up time 24/7 and restarted automatically in the rare case of an application failure.

    Data Accessibility and Backup:

    Your data is available to you at all times, to export to excel spreadsheets. You can enable or disable this functionality for specific users by role. In addition, the systems are backed up every night and the backups are archived on a Weekly Full and Daily Differential basis for a 2 week retention period. These backups can be restored to bring your system back online to a previous version if ever required.

    Extend your sales operations team with Virtual Team Members from the NEHANET Services team. Start with part-time Virtual Team Members to handle adhoc tasks as they arise, and grow the team to a complete team dedicated to, and specialized in your business operations.
    Your Virtual Team Members can work in US, EMEA or Asia Pacific time zones and provide live assistance on completing common business activities, from entering and managing Call Reports, Opportunity Updates and Action Items that your Reps or Distributors send in; to updating forecast data, to entering in Samples and Quote requests, processing Distributor POS and Debits data and processing Split Commission spreadsheets.

    You avoid the hiring and rampup costs, get a fully documented standardized operating procedure and no matter what the process, get instant data at your fingertips, updated and available when you need it. Yet another way in which NEHANET can provide you with Competitive Advantage.

    Success Stories


    We are a $30M supplier of advanced RF and mixed-signal communications ICs for wireless infrastructure and mobile wireless, broadband communications, space, defense and avionics markets. We have a direct sales and marketing team of 15 people and sell through about 30 manufacturer’s representative companies and distributors.

    Situation before NEHANET

    We were at a $15M run-rate when we started using NEHANET. We were using gigantic excel spreadsheets to manage all the opportunity and forecasting information previously. The problem we had was in keeping it up to date and tying it up all together. For example, the opportunity was not tied to forecasts and we did not have an easy way to share information between sales, marketing reps and distributors. Every person kept an excel spreadsheet on their computer and we would all update our spreadsheets and send it to a central person for consolidation and cleanup. We, along with that central person, then had to figure out how to create reports off the consolidated spreadsheet.

    The other challenge we faced was that people were tracking activities in their own ways and the work that was going on to move the opportunity to closure was not transparent to everyone. There was no easy way to convey activity information to the top management.

    Benefits realized with NEHANET

    We brought NEHANET in to address several issues:

    • First, to have an opportunity tracking system that would allow us to drive and manage sales activity across customers and opportunities across reps, distributors and our sales and marketing people.
    • Second, to make the sales activity visible to the rest of the management team.
    • Third, to create a consolidated worldwide forecast that was based on actual opportunity information and done in a way that did not require excel geniuses to make it all work.
    • Fourth, to keep track of key customer visits and actions items.

    The whole company has switched over to managing the business in NEHANET. The business plan and the yearly plan are all driven from the data in the system. Now since the per-opportunity-per-customer data is completely transparent inside the company, any one can go in and see what activities are happening or what is the status of a customer that they are interested in. They can also see what the gap between the plan and the current numbers are for a given period.

    One benefit is that management has become very active in going in to see the status of opportunities and one of the biggest users is our CEO. It is not that unusual to make an update to the system and get an email or a call from the CEO a few hours later asking for a clarification. NEHANET has also reduced our need to have to make presentations about what’s going on since people already know what’s going on through the system. Instead, there is more discussion about what’s needed to succeed. You can start to be more action-oriented instead of update-oriented when talking to management.

    Finally, you can drive manufacturing plans by product, by package type plan etc directly out of NEHANET. We maintain 2 types of forecasts, the revenue plan and the manufacturing plan and NEHANET allows us to do both from a single system


    We are a $35M leading provider of RF solutions serving the wireless communications, RF identification (RFID), broadband cable, and defense markets with our highly reliable amplifiers, mixers, RF integrated circuits (RFICs), RFID reader modules, chipsets, and multi-chip (MCM) modules.

    We have a direct sales and marketing team of 12 people and sell through an additional 150 sales people across 21 manufacturer’s reps and 1 distributor.

    Situation before NEHANET

    The problem we had in the Sales and Marketing department was that we had many excel spreadsheets, one each for forecasts, orders, design wins, quotes, samples and action items and none of them were relational. So, we were ending up with inconsistent data and spending a lot of time updating each spreadsheet, trying to correlate them and removing duplicate information from numerous spreadsheets. In addition, engineering and other groups had their own spreadsheets with their version of the sales numbers and when we all got together as a company, it was difficult and time consuming to reach consensus on the business.

    We also did not have a good way to leverage the info we were getting from our leads, our quotes and samples and convert that into a meaningful design win funnel that we could use to drive our sales activities and try to go close on the design wins. We had inconsistent reports and the spreadsheets did not enable su to mine the data in any logical way.

    Benefits realized with NEHANET

    NEHANET saves our sales team time since they no longer have to crunch numbers and validate the information in Excel. Instead, they can now spend more time assessing the business and updating the system with meaningful and accurate data. Once the data is in NEHANET, we can produce reports that are consistent, week over week, month over month, quarter over quarter and use that to load our Fab. The data is all tied together, so opportunities are tied to forecasts, to quotes, to samples and we do not need to go back each time to check and double check the forecast data for example. Similarly, our pricing consistency is more accurate than it was before.

    In addition, the marketing group is able to pull data from the system and look at it by market segment, by application and by product and better guide the sales organization as to how to sell certain products; highlight key features or bring attention to overlooked or under addressed market segments.

    As a public company, we report design win activity as part of our business and we need to be able to substantiate the claim. With NEHANET, we are able to lock in design wins when they occur, so that no one can inadvertently change them and thus change our backup data. This is important, since it allows an independent auditor to come in and validate the backup information.


    We are a $60M dollar provider of total power management solutions based on innovative analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits and a new generation of discrete-power MOSFETs. We have a direct sales and marketing team of 40 people, sell through 30 rep companies and another 10 authorized distributors worldwide.

    Situation before NEHANET

    We use IFS as our backend ERP/MRP system. We were $20M in revenues and using Excel spreadsheets to keep track of opportunity and forecast information when we deployed NEHANET.

    Our main problem was that each sales person had their own excel spreadsheet and that no single person knew what the activity was across all accounts on a company basis. Given that people had their own versions and changed them, combining the spreadsheets was a pain. We found it very difficult to consolidate and gain a picture of the company’s activities. We were also tracking and updating forecasts in excel spreadsheets and it was half a days job for one person to manage all of that and consolidate the data for both opportunities and forecasts as people were using different excel sheets.

    In addition, the excel data was not real-time – it was just a snapshot of when it was last updated. We often found that things changed especially in the forecast and it was difficult to keep on top of the changes at that point in time.

    Finally, we had issues where several people were working on the same opportunity and tracking it on their spreadsheets, but were not aware of each other’s involvement in that same opportunity.

    Benefits realized with NEHANET

    Our NEHANET system gives us real time access to our sales data. We find the quality of the data to be much better than the quality of data we had in excel spreadsheets and we are able to analyze our business and get reports on a real time basis as and when required.

    Our system also gives us the ability to have everyone to see the opportunities they need to see so they can work together. All actions items get logged and things don’t get dropped.

    When our company was just starting out, spread sheets were manageable and worked. However, we realized that to rapidly scale the company to our goals of $100M+ in revenues, we would needed a better system to track our business and NEHANET gave us a low-cost system that was built for our industry and our sales processes.


    We are a $60M to $70M supplier of high performance radio frequency (RF) components, including amplifiers, power amplifiers, transceivers, tuners, discrete devices, RF signal processing components, signal source components etc for the commercial communications and A&D equipment markets. We have a direct sales and marketing team of 25 people and sell through an additional 100 sales people across 30 channel partners.

    Situation before NEHANET

    One of the more difficult challenges we face as an electronics components manufacturer is that we have sales and marketing people worldwide and our business is evenly distributed across Europe, Asia and North America. We have to manage customers, contract manufacturers and design groups across locations and we found it tough to collaborate across all these continents.

    The second challenge we faced was in forecasting our business effectively and making the right decisions based on those forecasts. We maintain two forecasts, a financial plan where we capture our revenues, cost of sales and net income based on highly confidential numbers. The second forecast is for materials planning. We have lead times that can be as high as 17 weeks for some of our parts. The lead times we get from our customers averages from 2 to 4 weeks at most and we have to make commitments on materials in order to support our customer requirements. We were using a software package from a ERP manufacturer to tie together our multi-national forecast and to aggregate forward looking requirements by customers and products. This package was difficult to use and did not give us enough visibility into the pipeline for new products and new channels.

    Benefits realized with NEHANET

    From the electronics components manufacturers perspective, NEHANET is uniquely suited to our business and understands the nuances in our business, for example, a designer in Northern Europe designs our parts in his system and a contract manufacturer many miles away in China builds the system. We have found that it is critical to maintain one master database of information so we are all working off the same set of data. The system has to be simple, quick and easy to use since we want our sales people to spend their time selling, not feeding information into a database. NEHANET ties this together in the database so we are able to effectively make those links.

    NEHANET also aggregates the customer information along with the new program opportunity and detailed forecast numbers in a manner which allows all sales people, sales management, marketing management and executive management to view the business from whatever perspective is required. We can also prepare detailed forecasts for materials requirements planning since we are able to get a good view of programs that are in our funnel as well as opportunities that may not be solid enough for a financial perspective but we do need to plan for them from a materials perspective. By using a combination of our firm forecast along with a view on new opportunities, we are able to effectively manage materials in our supply line to support all these needs.


    We are a $250M subsidiary of a $11B Japanese conglomerate that designs, develops, manufactures and distributes electrical construction materials, home appliances, residential building materials, automation control products, wiring devices and electronic materials through an infrastructure consisting of 47,000 employees, 63 manufacturing sites, 14 R&D locations and a global sales/service network consisting of 200 locations. We have a direct sales and marketing team of 30 people and sell through 17 rep companies in 24 rep locations and another 11 authorized distributors in the U.S and 3 independent distributors in Canada.

    Situation before NEHANET

    We use an ERP/MRP system from Oracle for resource planning but were using Excel spreadsheets to keep track of opportunity and forecast information before switching to NEHANET. Our challenge was to bring about a visibility into the activities that were happening in the team. It was not such a simple task, since the information had to be collected from different reps to regional managers and from people higher up in hierarchy, the excel documents involved used to get obsolete in no time. We didn’t have a real time visibility into the opportunity and did not have a status of the current stage and how to focus our efforts to move to the next stage. We were not sure of by when would the opportunity would come to close and by when to expect revenues from it.

    Communicating this information seemed to be something that required a lot of time to manage and it required our sales people to spend 2-3 days at the end of each month (the reporting period) trying to collate the information into the given format.

    Once we got the information, it was very hard to summarize this information for sharing it with our parent company in Japan. In addition to the time spent in doing this we found that the data at times was not worth the effort because of the different formats and nomenclatures used by different sales teams. This was despite our efforts to simplify and standardize the spreadsheet templates.

    It was a very cumbersome and a tedious job for the team to manage the actual backlog and forecast data in the excel sheets since we were tracking the order from the point when it was going in for booking till it was shipped.

    In the absence of a CRM system, a practice that was seemingly prevalent in the organisation was that employees were using different systems from ACT to Outlook to keep track of their customer and contact information. So, if one of our direct sales people left the organisation then we were ill equipped to transfer the existing accounts, opportunities, contacts and action information to the new joinee.

    Benefits realized with NEHANET

    In order for us to be successful in the competitive market, we really needed a integrated communications tool, where at the grassroots level there was an immediate identification of the opportunity, identification of who had the next action item and a focused method to drive closer to the action item.

    NEHANET’s system allows multiple people from sales, marketing, applications engineering, reps and distributors to work on a opportunity simultaneously. Marketing, sales, operations, planning etc can all get access to different updated data and reports as and when it happens.

    It allows us to create very simply the data and reports that our parent company requires from us on an ongoing basis.


    We are a $250M subsidiary of a $2.5B global conglomerate with operating facilities and sales offices in North America, Europe and Asia. We are a world leader in the designing, manufacturing and marketing of Frequency Control, Sensor and Hybrid Product solutions using the very latest techniques in both bulk acoustic wave (BAW) and surface acoustic wave (SAW) based designs from DC to microwave frequencies. We have about 30 sales and marketing team members and a global channel sales force of over 100 manufacturer’s reps and distributors.

    Situation before NEHANET

    We grew through acquisitions so had 4 different ERP systems and 4 or 5 different ways of doing samples and quote tracking depending on the locations. This resulted in multiple data entry into different systems. Getting data out of disparate systems on a monthly basis was time consuming and manually a labor intensive job. Team members would spend 1-2 days a month putting their monthly reports together. It was also difficult for management to gain visibility into key business performance indicators.

    Benefits realized with NEHANET

    • Increase Visibility into Sales Operations
      For a global company like ours operating in a highly competitive market, visibility into sale operations is essential and we need to track information like weekly sales, quotes and quote trends, opportunity potential, relationship between new products rolled out and products sampled etc. with NEHANET we are able to slice and dice the data by region, by stage, by family etc and easily get the visibility into our business that we need.
    • Save Time and Increase Productivity
      Instead of the sales team spending 2-3 days putting their monthly reports together (collecting, sorting and segmenting the data) at the end of every month, NEHANET allows instant generation of reports customized to the needs of the user at any time based on live real-time data. It is also easy now to get mid-month status reports, which was not possible earlier without a lot of manual work.
    • Eliminate Redundant Data Entry
      Instead of the having the sales and customer service team members gather customer information and enter it first in an ‘online’ form on the extranet; then have it transmitted via e-mail and manually reentered into one of the sample tracking systems and then again reentered into one of the ERP systems, NEHANET allows us to eliminate redundant data entry and cut down the time spent by 2/3rds and 3 data entry steps get reduced to just one.
    • Standardized Data
      Instead of having operational data in multiple formats in multiple systems, the NEHANET Channel Management system allows us to have a standard unified system that interfaces across the different back-end systems and gives us easy access to data and reports.

    We are a $260M supplier of a broad spectrum of power semiconductors and power modules for the global power market. We have a direct sales and marketing team of 20 employees worldwide and sell through an additional network of 350 sales people across our manufacturers representative and distributor network.

    Situation before NEHANET

    We ship around 300-450 samples a month but we were not capturing sample requests properly and tracking the opportunity through to completion. We also had trouble seeing where the business is going because design is often done in one location and purchase in another. We have lost opportunities because the business went to South East Asia and we lost track of it. This is why it is critical for us to track opportunities from design location to the purchase location. Our products are often second-sourced, and with our manual systems, we were not getting the visibility we needed into the business. Since Contract Manufacturers want the best price possible, they may pursue alternate sources. If we don’t stay on top of the business, we may lose it.

    Another problem we had was that quoting and pricing were being managed differently in different locations. We often ended up mis-quoting a customer or completely missing the business if a second vendor got in there. We have also at times given the CM buyer a better price than what was pre-negotiated with the OEM since we did not connect the dots, causing us to give up profits that we could have retained had we used a single cohesive tracking system.

    In addition, all communications were done by email as people tried to keep every one in the loop. This did work since there is an incentive for the design-in rep to notify others about his design and to put in a split commissions request otherwise he may not get commission credit for that design. However, the process was haphazard and cumbersome and there was no oversight database for the management team to use in managing the business.

    Benefits realized with NEHANET

    The system has helped us track and be able to better manage our business so we can grow faster. With the system, you are internally more efficient, so our customer service, order entry and other sales administration processes are more streamlined, leading us to save costs and be much more efficient on the inside. We have a single quote database where it is much easier for the customer service order entry person to check the price before entering the quote into the system. It is either a book price quote which is easy to process. If it is a non-book price quote, they need a quote number and need to double check against the quote database. We have a price book database and the system knows what the ASM minimum price is and routes the quote requests to the appropriate level. As a result, we are much more responsive to customers and able to turn things around faster.

    From a management point of view, we have much better visibility into our business and can better see where it is going, which products are most popular from the design in point of view and this us to make better decisions with product planning and road maps.


    We are a $300M leading global manufacturer of Potentiometers, Sensors, Switches, Resistor/Capacitor Networks, Encoders, Fuses, Surge Protectors, custom hybrids, including multi-chip modules, as well as DC/DC converters to a broad range of markets, including telecommunications, computer, industrial, instrumentation, automotive, consumer, non-critical life support medical, audio and other market segments. We have a direct sales and marketing team of 45 people and sell through an additional 190 sales people across 21 manufacturer’s reps. We have three main distributors that comprise 70% of the distributor business. We also have another 25 regional distributors.

    Situation before NEHANET

    We were about $225M when we signed up NEHANET. At that time, we were trying to track opportunities in excel spreadsheets on a monthly basis. The sales people and reps would send us data on different excel spreadsheets every month and we would use it more as a reporting scheme than as an action scheme, i.e: the reason to do it was to report on what we were doing as opposed to better managing and focusing our sales efforts.

    At that time, a lot of our business was migrating from Europe and the United States into Asia. We were doing a lot of engineering work to get on the BOM. The customer would in many cases, move the business for Asia to their own location or to a contract manufacturer. Our challenge was to chase that business and try to book it. Other then telephone and email, we really didn’t have any good way to track and chase that business. It required the sales person in the design location to tell the sales person in Asia that the business was coming, and frankly they were not all motivated to do so. The reps were motivated since we have a split commissions program where we pay a significant percentage to the design location. Unfortunately, we didn’t have a very good way to capture the transfer business and this resulted in the reps not being all that motivated to chase the design work.

    We needed a more automated way to keep the world connected. We had customer trip reports being stored in Word documents that were emailed by sales people to all the people that they thought should see them. There was no central location where these were kept. They were not captured by the OEM customer. If a product manager or sales executive wanted to travel to a given location and meet a customer, the only way they could get an account history was to have the sales person put together a summary. We needed a better way to colloborate and share information on key accounts.

    Benefits realized with NEHANET

    We now have a sales funnel and we know what’s in the sales funnel. We know exactly how many opportunities and $$$ are in the funnel by major sales stages i.e. what is flowing from design wins into pre-production into production business. We use this every month to manage our business. This is a top level value of NEHANET – to know how much business you are generating and to know if you have enough opportunities coming in the top to keep the funnel growing. We do a lost business analysis against design wins to determine whether we are generating more business every year than what falls out and to measure net growth.

    We have rolled NEHANET out to individual sales people around the world, so each sales person has his own sales funnel and they can see whether they are driving enough business for the company. Each sales person now knows that if they are not working new opportunities, that pretty soon their territory is going to dry up.

    The other benefit of NEHANET is that we are able to assign manufacturing locations outside of the design location. So, if the manufacturing location is in Asia, the sales person in Asia now knows about the business and is able to follow up on it very effectively.

    Customer Testimonials

    We needed to accurately align our field sales forecasts and production plans, NEHANET brought us the solution.

    Akyra Pagoulatos, VP Worlwide Sales and GM Intellectual Property, Zoran


    Akyra Pagoulatos, VP Worlwide Sales and GM Intellectual Property, Zoran

    We needed to accurately align our field sales forecasts and production plans, NEHANET brought us the solution.

    NEHANET has provided us with a 24x7 global information management system that is designed for the specific way our business works. Our team can now follow-up on every quote in a timely manner, which has led to more orders and improved customer relationships.

    Darrell Baker, Vice President of Sales, Western Region, ASAT


    Darrell Baker, Vice President of Sales, Western Region, ASAT

    NEHANET has provided us with a 24x7 global information management system that is designed for the specific way our business works. Our team can now follow-up on every quote in a timely manner, which has led to more orders and improved customer relationships.

    I do like the fact that the forecasts, samples, quotes etc are tied to opportunities so you can track an opportunity from conception to design-in to production. It is much easier to track transfer business and make sure the people get compensated when the business moves offshore.

    Alan Mond, Vice President and General Manager - Communications Business Unit, Dover Corporation (Vectron International)


    Alan Mond, Vice President and General Manager - Communications Business Unit, Dover Corporation (Vectron International)

    I do like the fact that the forecasts, samples, quotes etc are tied to opportunities so you can track an opportunity from conception to design-in to production. It is much easier to track transfer business and make sure the people get compensated when the business moves offshore.

    From the electronics components manufacturers perspective., NEHANET is uniquely suited to our business and understands the nuances in our business.

    Ralph Waggitt, President/CEO, Advanced Power Electronics Corp. USA


    Ralph Waggitt, President/CEO, Advanced Power Electronics Corp. USA

    From the electronics components manufacturers perspective., NEHANET is uniquely suited to our business and understands the nuances in our business.

    NEHANET allows us to communicate well within our enterprise and with our distribution network and partners. It gives us complete real-time information and visibility into our sales pipeline. The ability to seize opportunities and retain customers while avoiding unnecessary costs is of prime importance to us.

    Haresh Patel, Sr. VP Sales and Marketing, WJ Communications


    Haresh Patel, Sr. VP Sales and Marketing, WJ Communications

    NEHANET allows us to communicate well within our enterprise and with our distribution network and partners. It gives us complete real-time information and visibility into our sales pipeline. The ability to seize opportunities and retain customers while avoiding unnecessary costs is of prime importance to us.

    NEHANET saves our sales team time and allows them to spend more time assessing the business.

    John McCarthy, WW Sales VP, Mimix Broadband


    John McCarthy, WW Sales VP, Mimix Broadband

    NEHANET saves our sales team time and allows them to spend more time assessing the business.

    NEHANET converted hours of manual tedious POS processing into a easy to use automated web based process that takes just a few minutes and gives us powerful reports.

    Jim Covey, CFO/VP, e-Components


    Jim Covey, CFO/VP, e-Components

    NEHANET converted hours of manual tedious POS processing into a easy to use automated web based process that takes just a few minutes and gives us powerful reports.

    NEHANET Cloud Applications are trivially easy to rollout and support and require minimal help from our IT department. This allows us to spend our precious IT resources maintaining our existing back-end system.

    David Villanueva, Director of IT, Cortina Systems


    David Villanueva, Director of IT, Cortina Systems

    NEHANET Cloud Applications are trivially easy to rollout and support and require minimal help from our IT department. This allows us to spend our precious IT resources maintaining our existing back-end system.

    Having shipment, requested/committed backlog right there on the forecast screen greatly improves forecast accuracy and helps us focus on the gap between where we are and where we need to be.

    Jeffers Liu, VP of Sales and Marketing, AEM Electronics (USA), Inc.


    Jeffers Liu, VP of Sales and Marketing, AEM Electronics (USA), Inc.

    Having shipment, requested/committed backlog right there on the forecast screen greatly improves forecast accuracy and helps us focus on the gap between where we are and where we need to be.

    As head of sales, I am glad we obtained a means of evaluating our sales force objectively through system-generated analytics.

    Luis Ancajas, General Manager, North America, Faraday Technology


    Luis Ancajas, General Manager, North America, Faraday Technology

    As head of sales, I am glad we obtained a means of evaluating our sales force objectively through system-generated analytics.

    About Us

    NEHANET Corporation is a privately held diversified business management software and services company with offices in Silicon Valley, California and India.

    NEHANET provides a set of 24+ integrated completely customizable enterprise applications that automate and optimize a broad set of business processes to drive Business Efficiencies across Sales, Manufacturing, Operations, Support and Marketing functions.

    Thousands of professionals use NEHANET daily to manage and run their business. Our customers range from small pre-revenue startups just starting to manage their contacts and opportunities to large global enterprises processing thousands of quotes and debits on our systems every month.

    Our customers include market leaders across Manufacturers, Reps and Distributors who have realized immediate tangible ROI by being up and running in days or weeks due to the deep domain expertise of our solutions and the committment of our team. Companies across a wide variety of manufacturing verticals use NEHANET software and solutions.

    From tracking design-wins and sample orders, to managing global pricing, quoting and contracts, to managing actuals and backlog, to improving forecast accuracy and demand planning, to managing debits and POS to managing reps, supporting customers and managing field and factory application engineers; to having a compelling web site and marketing program, to running a online training and certification program, our solutions will give you 360o visibility into all aspects of your business operations and help you drive competitive advantage.

    Our modular architecture allows customers to select the applications of immediate interest to them and choose between a Software-As-A-Service (SAAS) on-demand service or deploy the applications in house. The applications are based on the latest Web 2.0 technologies to drive ease-of-use rarely seen in web applications and are fully integrated with leading CRM and ERP/MRP solutions.

    Our team is 100-percent dedicated to the success of our customers. We can help you drive Revenue and Profitability Growth and Gain Competitive Advantage, at Low Cost and with systems that will plug-into and integrate with your existing systems.

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