NEHANET’s service team initially works with your business and technical staff to learn your current scenarios, identify your inefficiencies and discover their root causes. We then use our expertise to build upon our scalable applications and deliver appropriate, comprehensive and optimal solutions. We work closely with you to develop a low-risk implementation plan with a short time-to-benefit. Then we assist you in planning ways to sustain a successful collaborative sales solution.

Our FAST-Track Rollout Methodology and PARTNER Post-Rollout Methodology are designed to get you up and running in as little as two weeks, and to make sure your system continues to evolve as your business needs evolve and grow.

FAST-Track Rollout Methodology

Getting your system launched, rapidly and successfully in a manner designed to maximize your ROI from the system.

  • Format and load your existing data into the system.
  • Analyze system configuration based on feedback and reload data as required.
  • Setup Filters and Dashboards to monitor and help run your business.
  • Train your users

PARTNER Post-Rollout Methodology

Seven Step Process to Building Enduring Relationships for Mutual Success

  • Be your Partner and a virtual member of your Sales Operations team, from Sales Meetings to more.
  • Track, Communicate and Drive Adoption (Horizontal, Vertical and By Process)
  • Reconfigure and adjust system configuration based on feedback.
  • Train your users
  • Develop New features as your business and your requirements grow.
  • Extend our partnership by deploying additional modules and adding more users.
  • Expand our business through your Referrals and References.

NEHANET guides its customers through each implementation phase, from design to configuration, testing, and deployment. From start to finish, our deep industry knowledge and strong domain expertise allow us to interact and communicate easily with our customers.

NEHANET provides the advantage of assistive software tools and configurable solutions that drastically reduce the need for customization. Our entire implementation cycle is often less than four weeks. By deploying applications in a layered manner, NEHANET ensures that you start seeing results within a week from deployment. This also allows your team to make improvements and scale as we build.

NEHANET solutions use the most advanced technologies in Java, JSON, XML and other web server, application and middle-ware systems. Our modular design, combined with the extensible nature of our product suite, affords tremendous latitude in data and application integration. Our solutions are capable of operating in a stand-alone, batch, or fully integrated mode. Pre-defined templates and NEHANET adapters for well-understood data and application formats also speed up deployment and allow integration with diverse data systems.
To learn about the Information Integration Framework, please click here
User training is critical to the success of an enterprise-wide collaborative sales solution. NEHANET provides its clients all the training they need throughout the implementation lifecycle and provides different sets of comprehensive training sessions for project teams, administrators and end-users. Our onsite as well as online training capabilities ensure our clients with continued access to training even beyond the implementation period.
NEHANET assigns a key contact person to plan and execute projects. Each project is controlled to meet the timeline set for a quick and effective rollout. The assigned Project Manager regularly provides update reports to track implementation and monitor progress. These reports also enable clients to evaluate the return on their investment on an ongoing basis.

The NEHANET Support team is prepared to address any inquiries related to functionality that is achieved through the application’s user interface or through NEHANET’s public API. Inquiries related to third-party integrations, code-level customizations, and development best practices are outside our scope of support.

You can open a support case with NEHANET via your NEHANET application, via the website or by emailing

We encourage you to include as much of the following as makes sense for your situation.

  • Clear Description: Please provide the critical details regarding your problem, including steps to reproduce, a reference to at least one affected record (if a data issue), date/time that the error last occurred, date/time the functionality was last working as expected, scope of user impact (admin vs. non-admin, select users or all users, web browser and version used)
  • On-Screen Errors or Messages: If there are errors on the screen, take a screenshot or copy and send them to us.
  • Browser Console Errors: Please check your browser console and document any errors that are logged.
  • Pictures: Screenshots are a great way to make clear the problem, so please send them to us.

NEHANET is available in several editions, each of which offers differing product functionality as well as varying support levels. Each edition’s included support is detailed in the chart below. While we strive to resolve issues as quickly as possible,  our response times depend upon your Edition as well as the priority level (P1, P2, or P3) of the issue. The priorities are defined as follows:

Priority Definition
P1 NEHANET (production instance only) is completely down or system-critical functions are inaccessible by users
P2 NEHANET is generally up and functioning but one or more items are not working as expected
P3 Non-critical issues or general questions about the application

You can expect an initial response to your issue within the following timeframes based on your Edition.

Included Support Coverage Small Business Support Standard Distribution Enterprise
P1 SLA 4 Business Hours 3 Business Hours 2 Business Hours 2 Business Hours 2 Hours 24/7
P2 SLA 2 Business Days 2 Business Days 1 Business Day 1 Business Day 6 Business Hours
P3 SLA 4 Business Days 4 Business Days 3 Business Days 3 Business Days 2 Business Days
 Support-Authorized Contacts  1  1  2  2  4

You can expect resolution time to your issue (resolved or a work around is provided which is satisfactory to the customer) within the following timeframes based on your Edition.

Included Support Coverage Small Business Support Standard Distribution Enterprise
P1 SLA 3 Business Days 3 Business Days 2 Business Days 2 Business Days 24 Hours
P2 SLA 9 Business Days 9 Business Days 6 Business Days 6 Business Days 4 Business Days

NEHANET provides you with the flexibility to choose On-Cloud or On-Premise Deployment. The core functionality of the system is identical and both deployments are transparent from an end-user perspective. However, the nature of the integration with your ERP and other systems will vary depending on the deployment model chosen. NEHANET takes care of the security and data backup in the On-Cloud deployment, whereas you are responsible for doing so in the On-Premise deployment.

On-Cloud Deployment:

NEHANET provides a hosted solution in a secure data center with 24×7 hardware and software support. Users simply connect to the application via the Internet using a web browser. Automatic problem detection and restart features along with easily accessible technical support personnel guarantee high availability and reliability

If you opt to have us host your application, you do not need to install any hardware or software. Our hosting solution also removes any additional load on your technical staff to maintain the application. Opting for NEHANET’s hosting services thus removes the need for you to shoulder equipment and staff costs. Please click here for SAS 70 information from our hosting provider.

On-Premise Deployment:

If you choose the on-premise option and opt to host the application in-house, you will need to provide a Windows-based server class machine along with a Microsoft SQL Server 2022 or newer. NEHANET Services team will install Tomcat Application Server and Java when they install the NEHANET software on your server. You will need to provide us with Remote Desktop Access (RDP) to your server so our services team can complete the installation of NEHANET software.

Mail Server Connectivity

If you need email alerts enabled in the CRM, you will need to provide SMTP access to your mail server so we can connect the CRM to your mail server.


You will be responsible for periodic onsite and offsite data backups and for all security patches/firewall configurations etc on your server. We recommend daily full backups along with daily (or more frequent) incremental backups.

NEHANET Corporation provides a multi-level security and applications hosting infrastructure for the NEHANET websites to give you peace of mind regarding accessing your application and keeping your data secure.

Use of the NEHANET service is subject to the terms and conditions of the customer’s subscription agreement with NEHANET. NEHANET may modify its security infrastructure and/or this security statement from time to time.

The NEHANET software systems is hosted at Rackspace, a Managed Hosting Provider who provides:

Secure Collocation:

All the hosting infrastructure and servers are collocated at a hosting facility in Texas which provides 24-hour physical security, strictly monitored access to all data centers using key card protocols, bio metric scanning protocols and continuous interior and exterior surveillance. Access is limited to data center personnel only without exception and all data center employees undergo thorough background security checks before being employed. Please click here to read more.

High Availability Collocation:

The collocation facility provides specific SLAs for 100% availability of the network, critical infrastructure system (including power and HVAC) and functioning of all hardware components and replacement of any failed component at all times, excluding scheduled maintenance.

Certified Collocation:

Rackspace went through a SSAE16 Type II SOC1, SOC2 (Security and Availability Only), and SOC3 audits covering all data center facilities globally to certify that they have the processes and safeguards in place to protect the application and data. Please click here to read more.

In addition, the hosting provider has Safe Harbor certification that it provides “adequate” privacy protection by the standard of the European Commission’s Directive on Data Protection. In addition, NEHANET takes several steps to ensure that your applications and data are secure and accessible to you at all times.

Firewall/Perimeter Security:

All systems are protected by firewall systems that only allow access to NEHANET designated entry points and prevent any access to any other system resources. The NEHANET machines are behind NEHANET- dedicated firewalls in isolated sub nets. Logical access to Rackspace is only possible thru a limited set of NEHANET machines.

Data Encryption:

You can choose to procure a SSL security certificate and provide it to NEHANET to ensure that all your traffic and data is being fully protected with your own certificate. The lock icon in the browser indicates that data is encrypted and protected from access while in transit.

Process Isolation:

NEHANET uses a shared-server hosting architecture where multiple client applications are hosted on shared machines. Hosting can be either multi-tenant or each application runs on its own web server and in its own dedicated application address. Hence, requests for SSL encryption and other web server specific options can be easily accommodated.

User Authentication and Security:

Users need to sign on based on username and passwords. Users are associated with roles, regions, business units and companies, and the system uses this access control mechanism to restrict the view for a particular end-user based on his or her specific role, region, business unit and company for further security. In addition, each user session is tracked separately and the system architecture prevents one user from accessing data that is in another user’s view. Referral based user authentication can be configured so that only users coming from well-defined Intranets are allowed access to the system. Similarly, single-sign on from your Intranet/application can also be configured if needed.

Application Availability:

In addition to the hardware and network availability measures in place, the systems are monitored for up time 24/7 and restarted automatically in the rare case of an application failure.

Data Accessibility and Backup:

Your data is available to you at all times, to export to excel spreadsheets. You can enable or disable this functionality for specific users by role. In addition, the systems are backed up every night and the backups are archived on a Weekly Full and Daily Differential basis for a 2 week retention period. These backups can be restored to bring your system back online to a previous version if ever required.

Extend your sales operations team with Virtual Team Members from the NEHANET Services team. Start with part-time Virtual Team Members to handle adhoc tasks as they arise, and grow the team to a complete team dedicated to, and specialized in your business operations.
Your Virtual Team Members can work in US, EMEA or Asia Pacific time zones and provide live assistance on completing common business activities, from entering and managing Call Reports, Opportunity Updates and Action Items that your Reps or Distributors send in; to updating forecast data, to entering in Samples and Quote requests, processing Distributor POS and Debits data and processing Split Commission spreadsheets.

You avoid the hiring and rampup costs, get a fully documented standardized operating procedure and no matter what the process, get instant data at your fingertips, updated and available when you need it. Yet another way in which NEHANET can provide you with Competitive Advantage.